I was so frightened I dropped my phone. To my fucking luck it lands on it's back. He looked at the screen to see epiphany. I could sense the shift in his whole mood. He was bout to get up, I grabbed him with all my strength. "What the fuck is this?" He asked, his eyes shifting to a dark shade of red. "She's on a date." I said honestly. "No fucking dub Sherlock. You've been hiding this from from me. You've known she was here this whole time but you just wanted to torture me and keep it a secret. Then turn around and watch her walk away with another man. You're a fucking asshole Lestat. If I loose her this is your fucking fault." He said, his voice was raising a bit more than I needed it to.

He got up suddenly and started walking in the directions of her table

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He got up suddenly and started walking in the directions of her table. The thing I wasn't anticipating was for he to be kissed by this man. He pulled away from the kiss. She had a shocked expression on her face, she was not expecting him to get that close. I was not either. Let's just say this will make thing way worse. I inhale and try to exhale smoothly. It didn't work. I got up from my chair, walking after him. She notice him walking towards their table, she whispered something and then took of running. She ended up getting out of the restaurant without a problem.

There was a random cab outside

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There was a random cab outside. Which she decided to take. I notice she was not playing any games. He didn't even run after her, he walked up to Marco grabbing him by the collar . He yanked him forward and yelled a few threatening words. Then he pushed him against the wall. Marco had this strange smile on his face. He pushed Lazarus off of him, he landed on the table smashing it to pieces. He slowly got up and approached Marco. Marco was living for this experience. Knowing he had enough information to make his move on Epiphany now.

He said something to Lazarus which seemed to trigger him

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He said something to Lazarus which seemed to trigger him. Lazarus ran at him and started the beat downs He started to punch him with each fist. One after the other until I had to pull him off. I couldn't do it alone, the waiters and security were trying to help me. We get him off of Marco and escorted him outside of the restaurant. He pulled away from the guards. "Where the fuck is she?" He asked me. He was not in the best state right now.

His hands were bloodied. Shirt ripped and hair tossed. "I don't think." He cut me off. "Do you fucking think I give any cares about what you think? You've known her where about a for how long now? I don't have time to play any fucking games with you Lestat." He said. I told my men to to take him to her place. I knew that by the time he got there she would be long gone. She was one who had no time to waste. She wasn't gonna get caught up in things like this. I've never see a human run as fast as she did. I might have to call her the female Usain Bolt. I honestly couldn't help but think about the fact that not even I could keep them apart. Perhaps it's some weird juju as a side effect of my actions, her magic, and the magic of Johnathan and His bf. I felt my head hurting form all of this fuckery. It's backfired so quick. I'm left with no way of finding her because she's gonna get rid of most of her devices by the time she hits another coast. Making it hard to track her.

 Making it hard to track her

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