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Jeongguk's mother had opened up the door to their nursery room. her mouth hung in disbelief.

"aw man, it's not a sex dungeon," Taehyung's mom sighed.

Jeongguk's mother rolled her eyes at the other mother's sentence.

"so you're adopting? or a surrogate?" Jeongguk's mother asked, stepping into the light green painted room with gender neutral furniture.

"we're thinking of adopting actually...we found this orphanage a few miles away and got to meet a few of the kids," Jeongguk explained

"why is this a nursery then? you gonna stuff a few ten year olds in a crib?" Taehyung's mom joked.

"we're thinking of adopting two, a baby and a younger child. we're more likely to get the baby however, since where gay and you know...well, the kid we want to adopt, her parents were a straight couple, as you would assume, and the orphanage is iffy on letting lgbtq parents adopt, especially if their original parents were straight," Taehyung explained.

"what's so special about it the girl? how did her parents even die?" Jeongguk's mother asked, looking in the empty closet.

"we all just clicked together. she seems so happy with us and we even had the opportunity to take her out for ice cream one day. Her parents died when she was 5 in a bus crash, that was three years ago. she hasn't had much luck with other parents so when she met us, for some reason she totally opened up," Jeongguk told his mother with a proud gaze in his eyes.

"and the baby?"

"she's adorable, a little munchkin. she smiles all the time and has the cutest giggles. she's only two months old. her mom was a single mother and sadly passed away after giving birth. and since there was no other family, she got put in the orphanage," Taehyung said.

"well I'm really happy for you two, I think you'll make great parents. what are their names?" Taehyung's mother rubbed the two boys backs, soothingly.

"Soomin and Yeona."


"daddy! push!"

"i can't go much more."

"just a little longer please."


Taehyung watched from afar as his 6 year old daughter Yeona screamed to her father on the swings.

he chuckled to himself and pulled out his phone.

a facetime call from his daughter Soomin displayed on the screen.

he answered.

"hey honey!"

"hey dad, I was just wondering if me and Jun-seo can walk to Hyejin's house. it's only like ten minutes away, we'll be home before dinner," his 14 year old daughter asked.

Jun-seo was her so called "boy best friend" but somehow he had a hard time believing that. Hyejin was a friend of both of the young teenagers.

"sure, I expect you to be home in an hour and a half," he said to the screen, showing his face.

"okay dad, oh and Jun-seo wants to say hi."

She turned the camera to her friend who was doing a handstand in their front yard. He fell down after a second and laughed, running towards the phone.

"hi Mr. Jeon!" he shouted, blowing a kiss at the camera.

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh, Jun-seo was really close to him after all.

"hey Jun-seo, when are you gonna ask my daughter on a date?" Taehyung laughed.

"not soon enough, she won't take my love in kisses so i give them to her in handstands instead," he says jokingly.

"shut up!" Soomin yelled, facing the camera back to her.

there's definitely some sort of feelings going on there but Taehyung won't push it.

"me and your father are at the park with Yeona still, we'll be back in a bit, call me if you need anything," Taehyung says.

"got it dad," Soomin said, waving and then hanging up.

"Tae!" His husband yelled for him.

Taehyung looked over at the male and their daughter.

"let's get some ice cream and then head home?" Jeongguk suggested.

Taehyung nodded and got up, picking Yeona up afterwards and giving her a piggyback ride.

Yeona giggled and smiled happily.


*Cough* if y'all don't mind, I think I'm gonna end this here on a happy note. I'm sorry it took a while but I appreciate each and every one of you for reading and/or voting. I really hope you enjoyed this story and be sure to check out some of my other ones if you're into taekook :)

hey!! this is an update, but could y'all go check out my recent book "Cafeteria"? it would mean a lotttt to me <333

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