The sound of pitter patter sounded from down the hall and to their doorway. Seconds later, the door was thrown open and in came their daughter.

"Oh no! Incoming!" He exclaimed and laid flat on top of his wife, but not enough to crush her. He brought the blankets over both of their heads to take shelter, but really it was for covering her bare body, clothe-less from the night before.

Siv was now five years old. She had her father's sharp features and dark curly hair. She had the same mannerisms as her mom, but was just as mischievous as her father.

"Mommy! Daddy! It's the first day of school!" She exclaimed as she clambered onto the tall bed and sat by her parent's sides.

Loki pushed the covers back and laid down behind his wife to spoon her, caging her in once again. "Is it now?"

She nodded eagerly, beaming in happiness. She was glad the schooling system was so enjoyable for her here. It would possibly be different on earth.

"You ready to go?" Summer asked, tickling her sides.

"Almost! I still need breakfast!" She cheered and tugged on her mom's hand, but Loki's arm stayed firmly around her waist.

"Daaaad." She giggled and continued to try and pry her mother out of her father's hold, but no avail.

A knock sounded at the door. "Come in!" Loki answered from where they were.

Julie, their maid popped in. She curtsied in greeting and said, "I have breakfast all ready. I can take the princess if you'd like."

"Go on, Siv," Loki chuckled and ruffled her dark curls. "We'll be down in a bit."

She skipped off, excited for the day ahead of her. Summer playfully rolled her eyes and watched as Loki crawled out of bed. "Why didn't you let me go when the she wanted me?"

When he stood to his full height, he bent down to lean over her. "I needed to do this one more time when she wasn't in here." He stated casually and brought his head down to kiss her, leaving her breathless. "Maybe after we drop her off at school, we can keep working on baby number two, hmm?"

She chuckled into the kiss and drew back just enough to gaze into her husband's eyes. "I love you."

He beamed widely and opened his mouth to protest that he loved her more, but stopped short.

His eyes dulled and changed from the beautiful green eyes she loves to a light blue. He blinked multiple times, as if to tap back into reality. Slowly, his eyes fell back onto hers and his body tensed immediately.

He flinched back and ripped himself out of her grip. "Who the hell are you?!" He exasperated, a fearful glint in his eyes.

She was taken back by his outburst. "Loki, what.... what do you mean?"

"How do you know my name?" He demanded, his breathing quickening as his eyes flickered around the room. "Where am I?"

"Loki...." she drawled and reached out to touch him, making him flail back even more.

"Don't touch me, woman!" He hollered, making her jump. He hadn't yelled at her like that in years.

"Daddy?" Siv said in a small voice from the doorway.

It took a moment for Loki to realize the little girl- who looked exactly like him- was talking to him. There's no way! He's not a father.

He was hyperventilating at this point and took off to the bathroom, and locked the door behind him. He panted as he tried to calm down his increasing heart rate and stumbled over to the sink. He ran the cold water and splashed some on his face as that woman called for him on the other side of the door.

Once he was finished, he wiped the droplets from his skin and caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. His eyes steadily widened as he took in his appearance. He didn't look too different, but most definitely aged a tad. His hair had never been this long before. Last he remembered it was above his shoulders and now it laid down his back.

He stumbled back and nearly fell into the bathtub. "Loki, are you okay?" The same woman yelled through the door, trying anything she can to open it.

Surely, he was going insane. He burst through the door in a haze as he muttered quick and incoherent words to himself. Finally, she was able to pick up on one sentence, "I need to get to Midgard."


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P.S. sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger and the fact that this book has so many plot twists lol

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