I stood up and ran for the back door. I open it to see Sheriff Stilinski standing outside, but no sign of my dad. He walks towards me swiftly. "Myla? Get the hell out of here before your dad sees you. We'll be at the sheriff station after to take them there. Wait outside and they'll come out. That way." He points to a trail by some bushes and I nod and run, leaving the scene.

As I get to the sheriff station, I sit under window that Sheriff Stilinski's office had. I say there, waiting for them to be released, wishing to hear their conversation. I closed my eyes, thinking I could hear them, then all of a sudden, their voices became clear in my mind.

"So when do you get there?" I heard my dreaded father's voice.

"At the same time." I laugh a bit at Stiles's sass.

"Same time as me." Scott says.

"By coincidence?" My father asks. "You two arrived at the same time, was that a coincidence?"

"Are you asking me?" Scott's voice rang out.

"I think he's asking me." Stiles replies.

"I think he's asking both if you." Lydia sounded terribly annoyed at the subject.

"So I have this clear," my father continues, "Barrow was hiding in a chemistry closet at school. At school, someone let him a coded message on the blackboard, telling him to kill Kira." As of know, his facts are right. "Then he took Kira to a power substation and tied her up in the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

Sounds right. "Sounds about right." Stiles says my thought.

"How did you know he'd take her to a power substation?" Dad interrogated.

"He was an electrical engineer. So where else would he take her?" Stiles has always been super sassy to my dad, and I never minded it ever.

My father sighs. "That's one hell of a deduction Stiles."

"What can I say? I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement."

I could hear Noah Stilinski laugh, but covers it with a cough. "Stiles, just answer the man."

Stiles sighs. "We made a good guess."

"You believe this?" My father was talking to Sheriff Stilinski now, I knew it.

"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak. But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it." The Sheriff has been helping the supernatural ever since he learned about it, and as of now, he's sticking to it.

"Okay fine." I could hear the creaking of the desk my father was sitting on, meaning he was leaning forward. "One more question then. Where's Myla?"

"What are you talking about?" Scott asks. "You broke her laptop, which was the only way we could communicate because you wouldn't let us have each other's phone numbers. You believed by doing that we wouldn't miss each other that much. So why don't you ask yourself that question."

My dad sighed. "Well, the neighbor said she left a note saying she was at a friends house for the past two days, got a phone call today saying that Myla hasn't been at school the past few days. So, where the hell is she?"

Stiles snorts. "Maybe you should keep track of your own damn kids. I'm not a babysitter."

"Well then Stiles, you tell me this: why is her car parked outside of your house?"

Stiles scoffs, "I'm done with this bullshit. I'll see you at home Dad." I hear doors open vigorously, and then Stiles bursts out of the building. He looks to his right, and sees me, sitting under the window. "Come on Myla lets go."

I stand up and start walking towards him, but voices creep into my head. They were my dad's. "Son of a bitch she's here and leaving with him."

My pulse picks up and I start to run. "He's coming!" Stiles runs after me and we both get into the jeep, my dad just running out of the building. Stiles starts the jeep, and puts it in drive, as my dad was yelling and cursing at me and Stiles.

"He's going to come to my house and drag you out." Stiles states once we were a safe distance from the department.

I sigh. "I know. And I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess. You don't deserve to babysit me. And I could tell my dad didn't buy you're story. I could hear it in his voice."

Stiles looks at me. "What do you mean? You heard the conversation?"

"Uh yeah, I heard everything. Are you going into law enforcement too?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "And also, I'd my dad barges into your house, it's his problem. I'm fine with it."

"My house it is then."

let me in {1} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now