Chapter 14

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☠Rayan's POV☠

I hardly slept last night, cause I couldn't get the image of that one eyed dude out my head. Plus, what my mother told me about him doesn't make sense. If he's really my dad, then why the hell hasn't he been living with us the whole time? Why did he decide to show up after seventeen years? And what the fuck is up with that eye patch anyway?

"Boys! Get up and eat breakfast!" My grandmother's voice yelled from upstairs.

Once grandma came and picked us up, she had me and Riley sleep in her basement, which I think used to be Uncle Myles's room, while my mom slept in her old room. Anyway, I shook Riley out his sleep while I picked out my stuff so I can go take a shower.

"Riley, wake up. Breakfast nigga."

"Five more minutes...."


I pushed him off the bed, and he hit the ground with a thud.

"Ow! You bitch..."

"Oooh, I'm telling." I joked skipping up the stairs.

"What was all that noise?"

"Nothing. What's for breakfast?"

My grandmother eyed me before speaking, "Pancakes and bacon."

I pulled up a seat at the counter and piled my plate with five pancakes and a lot of bacon. I also grabbed a cup and poured myself some orange juice. I was about to eat, when my grandma smacked my hand.

"Now, I know that you know better. After all that God has done for you, you better say grace."

I huffed and did a quick prayer, then began tearing up my food. Shortly after, Riley came up and got his plate of food. We were both half done when my mother decided to come down, and when she did, she looked so happy and joyful. I feel like it had everything to do with the Cyclops. Just the thought of him makes me sick.

"Good morning everybody!"

"Good morning." There was a slick looked passed between my grandma and my mom, which caused me to roll my eyes. I tried not to throw up.

"How did everyone sleep?" Grandma asked, pouring the last of the pancake mix in the pan.

"Good." my brother and I answered simultaneously.

"I slept great, thanks for asking."

I rolled my eyes, finishing off my food before my mother could go off on a tangent about my ghost of a so-called fucking father. When I was done I put my dishes in the sink and went upstairs to the bathroom.

"And Rayan, don't take all damn day either!"

She can curse, but I can't?


"It's shirts versus skins. Who team captains?"

It's November. How the fuck are we supposed to play shirts versus skins when there's a ten mile per hour windchill? This shit lame as hell.

"Ray's team and Myles's team. C'mon y'all hurry up, let's go."

For some reason, my mother thought it a good idea for me to hang with this side of the family by participating in a game of basketball. This is my favorite sport, but I'm not in the mood to play today. Especially with Cyclone here. Riley doesn't seem to have a problem, and nobody else does, but I do. I don't wanna be here.

"Cool, let's do this."

"Rayan, you playing?"

Of course he looked at me, and I didn't hesitate to shake my head. I don't feel comfortable taking off my shirt around other dudes, plus it's cold out here.

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