Meeting Her

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"I just don't get it why do you have to be so selfish dad I am sure we aren't the only one who is suffering I am sure she is not happy with mom" I shouted at dad he just stood there for some time and spoke

"Look I know when we left her with mom it was wrong but it's been fourteen years, I am sure she changed her behavior I now also think that Ana is happy with your mom and forgot about all of you"

what how could he say that "that was the last thing I expect from your dad how can she forget about us 'we are her life and she is our heartbeat' that's it, I am going now to the station and I will track her down myself and I won't wait any more she will be fourteen in two days I have had enough for this past twelve years' sorry dad but once I make sure she is okay I swear I will listen to your dad! For once please allow me to go"

"No, you aren't going anywhere Cally" Alexander yelled coming down from upstairs

"Never call me that only she is the one to call me that, and I am going I promise if she is safe, I will not bring up this topic again for once just once let me go please"

"fine remember that if she is safe, we let her live her life and not interfere her life our world is too dark for her"

My eyes lit up as soon as I heard it mumbling a quick thank you, I wasted no time and got out of house straight into the garage sitting in my car I speeded it up to police station and while I was in car, I quickly gave a call to William after about four rings he picked up

"to what do I owe pleasure that you decided to call me up?"

"shut up and get straight to the point remember about the favor you owe me?"

"so, you finally decided to use that, I mean you people can do everything by yourself and still need my help means it sure is something important"

"yeah, it is important and I need to use that favor now"

"okay, so after this I believe we have a professional relationship"

"yeah, I need you to find out about a girl"

"I knew you would use this favor about finding her so I already have the info ready for you just come and get it, remember we will have a professional relationship after this which means no owing any favor's!"

"done a professional relationship keep the file ready"

"okay I think I messed up this one!" his voice seemed a bit unsure which was so unlike him

"spit it out" I growled

"I mailed the file to the post station side of your house which is also another way of saying that the file isn't with me and its near your house I mailed it last month so you need to get back to your house to see those files"

Agrhh... this fucker

"I am on my way to the station itself let's talk about it when I get there" I hung up the call not waiting for him to answer back as soon I hung up the call I looked at the road I saw two people running one was male and next was female and when I got a little closer I noticed they were chasing a girl she was in her wedding dress trying to run as fast as she could but what shocked me most was I was able to the back side of her so I saw how badly she had bruises and scars on her back without wasting any time I speed up my car and stopped it beside the 'runaway bride' I liked that name for her as she clearly is escaping her marriage I think she noticed my car before only so it didn't take her time to jump into my car and as soon as she came in she didn't even look at my face se directly stared at the two following her I didn't see them as my eyes were on road I only got a back view of them

My New Start with My Older BrothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora