Secret revealed

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Y/n P.O.V
( I am feeling butterflies in my stomach right now. I had my first kiss tonight.)
*Y/n didn't know that her friends were following her*
(I am finally here.)
Gunavathi: Y/nnnnn, I think so you have something to explain to us.
( Oh shit they are awake and what they are talking about?)
Y/n: What should I explain?
Shweta: About your relationship with Jungkook.
( Shit how did they know? did they follow me or hacked my phone?)
Gunavathi: Do you care to explain or not?
Y/n: Ok I will .................................
*Y/n told them everything*
Shweta: I also have something to tell.
Gunavathi: What are you hiding from us?
Shweta: Taehyung proposed in the fan-sign event and I accepted his proposal.
Gunavathi: That means I am the only single here, I am not going to talk to both of you.
Y/n: Now I need to tell Jungkook that you guys followed me and found about our relationship.
Shweta: I also should tell Taehyung that "I told you guys about us".
Gunavathi: You guys do not care about me anymore?
Y/n: That is not like that but we must tell them that you guys know about our relationships.
Shweta: We do care for you Gunavathi, after all, you are our sweetie pie. How can we not care about you?
Gunavathi: Really? then tomorrow take me to an amusement park.
Y/n: Ok sweetheart.
Gunavathi: yeah I finally can go to the amusement park, I am so happy.
( I called Jungkook and told him everything while Shweta told Taehyung everything, They told that they would talk about that with Bang Pd nim.)
Y/n: Guys I think we can meet BTS the day after tomorrow if possible.
Gunavathi: I think I also have a chance to propose J-hope this time.
( We all laughed, tickled each other, and slept in the living room.)
*. *Sorry for the short story* .*

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