Natsu had been standing outside, and Lucy ran up to him and into his arms. The two were hugging and laughing, and Lucy had tears in her eyes. 

Jude couldn't deny how happy she looked, but he cringed at the thought of his daughter being in such a dangerous environment. Was she being serious? Is she really "done" with him? He'd have to wait and see, he'll keep quiet for now, and if she ends up running back home, he'll gladly accept her.

"I can't believe he didn't stop me!" Lucy giggled, squeezing Natsu tightly. 

"Me neither, actually. You sure you don't want me to go in there and rough him up a bit?" Natsu half-joked, he'd really been itching to put Jude in his place. 

"Not now, but we really should go." Natsu nodded as he held her hand and led her to where the airship was. Lucy flushed with excitement, she really was free! There was a chance her father would underestimate her warning, and although she didn't want to, Lucy decided she was truly done being nice to him. He didn't deserve her kindness, and the only thing saving him from getting what's coming to him is if he finally gets the hint and leaves her alone.

"How did it go?" Anna greeted the two as they entered the airship, her eyes widening when she saw her niece.

"It went great!" Lucy gave her aunt a tight hug before taking a seat. She waited for Natsu as he went to talk to Igneel, presumably about where they'll be going from here. 

"Have you told him?" Virgo sat next to the princess, slipping the ultrasound pictures into her coat pocket. 

"Yes!" Lucy's answer was filled with bubbly giggles, and Virgo couldn't help but smile along with her. "I'm so excited, Virgo!"

"About what?" Anna smiled, Lucy's laughter was just too contagious. Igneel and Natsu joined them, both looking just as interested. 

Happy landed on Lucy's lap, thinking hard before chirping up,"Oh, you mean you're excited that you're pr-" He was silenced, Lucy quickly grabbing him and covering his mouth. 

"Oh!" She groaned when she saw the realization cross Natsu's face. "Guess what!"

Igneel and Anna looked at each other, confused, before looking back at Natsu. "What..?"

"We're gonna have a kid!" Natsu beamed as Lucy sighed. She wanted to tell them in a different way, but it didn't really matter. Anna and Igneel gasped, looking between the couple hopefully. 

"Really?" Igneel's excitement matched his son's, and Lucy nodded happily as she remembered how eager he'd been for them to give him a grandchild. 

"Oh, Lucy! This is wonderful! Do you know how far along you are?" Anna wrapped her hand around Lucy's, her expression a little too giddy. 

"I'm 15 weeks now, here, I have the ultrasound." As she began showing her aunt the pictures, Igneel leaned back in thought. "15 weeks? That means… you were pregnant when we met!" The dragon seemed very pleased to have predicted her pregnancy so easily as he ruffled the hair atop his son's head. "I should wish you good luck, though. If they're anything like their father, your kid's gonna be a real handful!" 

Natsu couldn't deny how true that statement was, he was too happy to be offended. "Our kid's gonna be super badass, though! They'll be a demon, angel and god!" 

"Oh my, I don't think there's ever been a hybrid like that!" Everyone seemed pretty excited about that, but Lucy felt sweat forming on her forehead as she imagined all the possible trouble their overpowered child could get into.

"I'm a little surprised you guys didn't know already," Lucy chuckled, "Mavis, Zeref, and probably everyone in the fairy castle have known for a bit, now."

"What!?" Natsu felt slightly betrayed. Even Zeref knew? Those two hardly even talked!

Lucy rubbed the back of her neck shyly. "Well, it's a little complicated… but I found out with Erza. I mean, technically with Wendy, I just confirmed it with Erza- but anyway, I found out a few days before the war…" When she noticed Natsu's eyes widened, she quickly interrupted before he could say anything, "I didn't want to tell you yet because, um… I knew you wouldn't let me go to war if you knew…"

Natsu's face was blank as he stared into Lucy's eyes for an uncomfortably long time. She couldn't tell if he was pissed or indifferent, and it made her fidget in her spot. Noticing her princess' discomfort, Virgo perked up. "Does this mean I should no longer refer to you as 'Princess' once you give birth?"

Thankful for the topic change, Lucy turned to her maiden. "I don't know… I'm still a princess, but it'd be a bit odd, huh?" She thought it over, not noticing the grin that spread across Igneel's face.

"Well, if you two get married, then you could become a queen instead." He looked back and forth between the flustered couple, chuckling deeply. 

"Aw, don't put them on the spot like that. I'm sure they've got a lot on their minds right now." Anna placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder to ease her nerves, but she couldn't deny that she'd love to see these two get married. "Say, Lucy… why don't you take over my throne? You'll be a queen that way, too."

Lucy gaped at her aunt, she wasn't opposed to getting married to Natsu, it'd just caught her off guard. The celestial throne had been rightfully hers, though, and Anna only took over after Lucy was put on lockdown by her father. It'd mean a lot to be able to claim her mother's kingdom. "I'd… I'd love to be the next celestial queen…" 

Anna winked, smiling softly. "We'll deal with all of that after you speak with Mavis and Zeref." 

Lucy raised a brow in confusion. What did Mavis and Zeref have to do with this? "Oh, Zeref's got something important to talk to us about." Natsu added, noticing her confusion. 

"He wants to talk to us?" Lucy's eyes widened. What would Zeref want with her? Natsu is the demon king, if they had any business to discuss, why would it involve her?

"Yeah, but it'll make sense once we get there." Natsu stood up, Anna getting the hint and moving so that he could sit next to his woman. As he intertwined his fingers with hers, Natsu leaned into Lucy's ear to whisper, "I think he'll tell us some very good news, though." 

Lucy smiled, squeezing his hand and relishing in the feeling of finally being in his warmth again. She kissed him softly before resting her head on his shoulder. "I hope so," she whispered back.

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