Gray x Natsu ☁️

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It was early in the morning as Natsu and Gray were getting ready to go to the guild. While Gray was sitting on the edge of the bed putting his shoes on, Natsu was looking at his stomach in their full length mirror.

"Gray, do you think I'm fat?" Natsu asked frowning at his growing stomach in the mirror.

"No, baby. Of course not. Why would you think that?" Gray said getting up and hugging him from behind.

"Well, my stomach is getting bigger and it makes me look really fat and ugly," Natsu explained, still looking sad.

Gray turned Natsu around so that he was facing him. Gray put his left hand on Natsu's hip and used the right one to grab his chin and make Natsu lookup at him.

"Natsu, you look gorgeous. Please don't call yourself fat because you aren't. Your stomach is supposed to get big when you are pregnant. Don't you ever think for one second that you are ugly, because you are the most beautiful person I have ever had the honor of laying my eyes on. You are perfect just the way you are," Gray said looking Natsu in the eyes as tears began to form.

"Thank you so much, Gray. I hope our child will be just as kind as their father," Natsu said smiling up at Gray.

"Maybe, but I know they will be just as beautiful as their mother," Gray said leaning down to give Natsu a kiss filled with love.

The two lovers spent the rest of the day at home instead of going to the guild. Gray pampered Natsu for the rest of the day. For most of the day they laid in bed until Natsu got hungry then Gray carried him downstairs and sat him on the counter as he made food. After that, they decided to walk around town until dinner time. They ate at a small restaurant and walked home hand in hand thinking about how they were happy to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

Bye Airheads🎈
Love you guys💛

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