Sesshomaru x Rin ☁️

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It was late while Sesshomaru and Rin argued under the starry night sky.

"I will not go to bed," Rin said with her arms crossed, facing away from the demon lord.

"You must go to bed so you will have energy for tomorrow. I will not carry you around all day," Sesshomaru said lowly.

Rin still wouldn't budge. They had been arguing for an hour and it was starting to wear Sesshomaru down. He had been about to go to sleep when he saw she was still awake. It had started from there. It was after a few minute that he had found a compromise.

"What if I gave you something in exchange for you to go to sleep? It can be anything you want," Sesshomaru offered.

"Anything?" Rin asked turning her body around slowly to face him.

"That is what I said, is it not?" Sesshomaru asked hoping she would take him up on the offer.

Rin nodded before answering, "If I can have anything, then I would like a kiss," she said with a light blush painted on her cheeks.

"Okay then," Sesshomaru said grabbing her gently and pulling her onto his lap.

Sesshomaru put his lips on Rin's as they shared a soft but passionate kiss. While they kissed, Sesshomaru lowered them onto the ground with Rin on top of him. As they broke apart, Rin moved to lay beside him with her head on Sesshomaru's chest.

"Goodnight, Lord Sesshomaru," Rin whispered before yawning.

"Goodnight, Rin," Sesshomaru whispered back as the two fell asleep in each other's arms.

Bye Airheads🎈
Love you guys💛

THE BIG BOOKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora