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After a few days, taehyung had enough with jungkook ignoring and avoiding him. He start to do the same.

Now, instead of behaving like a bestfriends or even brothers, they are like a sworn enemies. Now that they're in highschool, they characters also change. The once quiet and shy taehyung become the smartest, hottest and popular at his school. While jungkook who was a naughty and friendly become and outcast of the school. He is always alone. Well not always actually. He had two friends. Girls. Erin and Mia. He never speak to anyone at school. He is quiet. Very quiet. He never join the school trip or camping. Very contrast of his old self.
At home, he was always in his room. Never spending time with his family. Always left alone.
Taehyung and jungkook schooling at different school.

Taehyung got anything he want. While jungkook never get his parents loves that he crave for. He become depressed. He didn't get bullied though just a few names calling. Yes he have friends, but his friends was not that type of kind friends except for Mia though. Erin always mean to him. Mia doesn't know what was happening between the two. Erin told him to cut himself because he is disappointment to his parents. Because he is useless, ugly, fat and he deserves it. She reminds him that no one loves him. She controls his eating routines. Telling him he can't eat because he is fat. Telling him to kill himself. Erin is always with him. Either at home or school. She comes over his house many times.

In conclusion, Erin was one of the reason jungkook become depressed, self harm and starving himself. She kept telling him to do those things. 

Jungkook was manipulate by her. She told him that she just want him to be better because she is his Bestfriend. Jungkook believe everything she say. Jungkook trust her that she told him to do those things for his sake.

" Hey, Jeon Jungkook. " a girl with curly brown hair greet him, an arm rest over his shoulder. She is 3 inch taller than Jungkook. Yes Jungkook is quite short for guy his age. " Hey. You are a bit early today? " he greet her back. " Yeah. I have something to do actually.  Gotta go. See you later." she gave him quick smile and rush away. " yeah. " Jungkook walk to his class. He heard a few whistles on his way to the class. " Hey loner. Wanna be my fuckbuddy? " the school jocks, Ryan said mocking and laugh. " Yow, you wanna him to be your fuckbuddy? Come on bro, you better have a high taste." another voice was heard.   It was Ryan bestfriend Shane. All the people that have gathered around them laugh. Jungkook just push through them, ignoring the insult that been thrown to him. " Well, you can't say Ryan doesn't have high taste, this loner is completely a meal for me. Look at his small waist and milky soft skin. I would like to devour him in a second. " another student said looking at Jungkook with lust. Jungkook ran away from the crowd and rush to the classroom.

Finally, jungkook got into his classroom. He set his bag on the chair and look around. There's a few students who he doesn't even know their name in fact they have been his classmates for 3 years.

" Jungkookkkkk" a high pitch voice chimed in. He was attack by a hug. " Let me go, Mia. " Mia, a girl with short platinum blonde hair who was wearing an oversized light purple sweater and skiny jeans pouting, letting him go. She is also slightly taller than Jungkook but shorter than Erin. " You are so mean Jungkookie. I miss you soooo much." Mia said hugged him again. " Well it's only been 2 days. Also when you have that boyfriend of yours, you don't even remember me. " He shrugged her off. " awww man, I'm sorry. You know how much I love him right? Beside isn't Erin with you all the time? " Mia sat on her seat in front of Jungkook. " Yeah she is. " Jungkook sighed. " where is she? Didn't she already here? " " yes, she greet me this morning and ran off to I don't know where. Let her be. " he take out his books for the lesson. Mia hummed and turn to face infront when the teacher come.

In the middle of the teacher teaching, the door of the class flung open. " Sorry Mrs Jang. " Erin come in and bowed to the teacher. "where are you coming from Erin? " Mrs Jang ask hands on her hip, eyebrow raising a little. " I-I'm from home? I wake a bit late today. " she said smile sheepishly. Mrs Jang excuses her and continue with her lesson. " Really? Home? Where the fuck you are actually? " mia asked whispering as low as possible. " I met Mr yoo. You know how hot he is. I met him to hand him my homework. " Erin said. " yes, you indeed flirting with him right? " Mia said looking so done with her best friend. Erin just shrugged and turn to jungkook. " Hey, I'm going to your house after school. Don't go anywhere. " she said and turn infront. "yeah" jungkook whispered.


" Bye guys! " Mia bid them and got into the car. She is going to the mall with her boyfriend.

" Let's go. " Erin said leading their way to Jungkook house.

They walked to his house for about 20 minutes.
Jungkook serve her some biscuits and orange juice. They were talking about something, well basically Erin was talking to jungkook about something when Taehyung come home. He go straight to the refrigerator and gulp down some cold water. He look at the other two with disgust look. " You two always together. Are you guys dating or what? " he scoffed and shut the refrigerator door close. "No. " jungkook reply whispering. " Eh, come on. Why would I dating my best friend. It's would be better if I date you." Erin stood up from her sit and walk to Taehyung seductively. "heh. " Taehyung snickered as he push her off she start to touching him. "Jungkook, take care of your slut carefully. She is disgusting you know. " Taehyung snickered again and go to his room.
"what the hell?! He just call me disgusting? That asshole. I'm hundred percent sure he is gay. Like you, fag." she said to Jungkook, eyes big, basically glaring at him. "Come on. You need to done your beautiful art." she said smirking and pull him to his room.

She lock the door and start to take out a box under Jungkook's bed. Both of them were sitting on the floor near the bed. A piece of unuse cloth were layed infront them. She take out a sharp blade from the box and give it to Jungkook, who take it with a shaking hand. Jungkook stared at the blade and gulp. " can I.. Can I not doing it? " Jungkook ask voice are so low that almost can't be heard. "What are you talking about?! You know well why you need to do this. To be perfect. Your parents will love you when you do this. You do them favor." Erin said face close to jungkook's, eyes big and voice sharp. " Remember what you are, a disappointment to your parents, useless, ugly, nuisance, fag, worthless and fat. No one love you jungkook. Believe me. I'm the one you can rely on. I'm your bestfriend. I want you to do better. Do them a favor and just kill yourself kook. " She said repeating the same words again and again.

Unconsciously, jungkook dragged the sharp blade over his not so flawless arm. His arm full of scars. Jungkook slash his arm over and over. And it was bloody mess. Jungkook face blank. His eyes empty. No emotion could be seen. " You doing great jungkook. Really great. " Erin said smirking. " kill yourself jungkook, kill kill kill" She chanted the word 'kill'. Making jungkook slash all his once soft and flawless thighs and arms again and again. She stop him when she noticed jungkook's eyes become droopy. " That's enough for today. You did a good job by cut your arms and thigh. I recommend you to try kill yourself tho. It was way to easy. I want you to be happy. " she said like it was a normal thing to said to your bestfriend. She look at the blood stained on the cloth and wrap it around jungkook's hand. " clean this mess. We don't want anyone to know. Right? " she stood up and crossed her arms. She watch jungkook go to the bathroom and clean his arms. She bandage jungkook's arms and told him to wear long sleeves. " remember always wear long sleeves shirt. Also bandage your thigh. I don't want to touch you there knowing that you are gay." she rolled her eyes.

Once jungkook was done, he send Erin to her home. They are walking to Erin home that are 30 minutes away. Yes. Erin said he could burn those ugly fat by sending her home by walking. He do this every single day, because Erin come to his house

When he reach home, he was panting and sweating heavily. He go to the kitchen to get some drink. " did you seriously walking her to her house everyday? Did you love her or what? " Taehyung ask arms crossing while leaning against the kitchen wall. " she is my bestfriend." jungkook spoke between the pants. He just reached home. Tired was all he could feel. " Yeah sure. I believe you. You are gay right? I know that. What a disgusting human being you are. " Taehyung said with deep and husky voice . Jungkook glare at him. Grip tightened around the glass. " Yes I'm gay. So what? You have problems with that? I'm gay for you! Do feel disgusting enough? " Jungkook shout then he throw the glass at Taehyung. The glass hit his shoulder and drop to the floor making loud shattered sound. Taehyung stared at the glass wide eyes. He stepped back not wanting to step on the sharp pieces of the glass. " Oh my god! What happen? Do you hurt yourself? " Mrs Jeon ask panicking as she looked at Taehyung's body. " Jungkook throw glass at you again right? " Mr Jeon said sighing. "what should we do with him. He is too much. " Mr Jeon continue. " Let me talk to him. " " Actually, I'm the one who started the fight. I piss him off. " Taehyung said scratching his nape. Jeon eun ae look at him and rub her temples. "Fine. You clean this mess then. Good night dear." " Good night." they kiss his forehead and go.

Taehyung stared at the broken glass.

"I'm gay for you!"

"did he love me that way? " Taehyung whispered.

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