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" Mom, can I get those toy? Please please  please? " Jungkook look at his mom with sparkling doe eyes, lips pouting. " Jungkook, you have plenty of those already. Look at Taehyung, he doesn't pick a single toy instead he pick the books. He is a smart kid because he always reading. Can't you be more like him? " his mom said, sighing. " b-but" Jungkook doesn't even get to say anything, his mom left to go to the books section. Jungkook felt jealousy far deep in his heart. " No Jungkook. He isn't trying to take your parents away. Relax. I was the one who told him to share my parents. Mom just want me to be smarter. Yes smarter. " Jungkook comfort himself.


" dad, let's go to the amusement park this weekend. Pleaseeeee~" Jungkook was acting cute infront of his parents so they could take him to the amusement park. " Jungkook, I'm busy this weekend. I have lot of works. Look at Taehyung, he never want to play everytime. He always busy study. Can't you be like him? Be a smart kid. Now go away. Don't disturb me. " his dad said, eyes not even looking at jungkook instead focusing on the laptop infront of him.

Jungkook already know the answer. Why he even bother to try. He always got compared to taehyung. Taehyung always their smart and kind boy. While Jungkook just a bratty and nuisance boy.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and stomp away.

When it was dinner time, his mom suddenly said " Honey, why don't we go to the amusement park this weekend? Taehyung have been studying all the time. He need to go outside sometimes. " Jeon Eun Ae said to his husband while looking at Taehyung, smiling. " you don't need to do that mom, I'm okay with study. Beside I don't like going out much. " taehyung said continue eating his meal.

" Yeah, let's go to the amusement park. I'll rearrange my schedule. " his dad said patting at Taehyung's head lightly.

Jungkook who was sitting beside him scoffed and stood up abruptly causing the loud screech sounds. He stomps to his bedroom and shut the door loudly purposely.


" Mom, can I sleep with you and dad? " Jungkook ask since he can't sleep. Rain pouring heavily, the dark sky was lit up by the lightning. The loud thunder scared jungkook so much. " Jungkook, you are big enough to sleep alone. Thunder doesn't even scare you that much. Go to your room and sleep now. " his mom said sleepily as she rubbed her eyes and yawn. She closed the door. Jungkook sighed and walked back to his room. He want to sleep with Taehyung but remember that he was upset with taehyung that day because he doesn't want to play with him.

When he was about to close his door, he heard soft cries and low knocks on his parents bedroom door. He peek over and saw that Taehyung was crying. He want to go to him and tell him don't cry while hugging him but the door open. He saw his mom and dad standing in front of taehyung and hugging him. Whisper him comforting words and even offered him to stay with him in his room until he fall asleep.

Jungkook felt jealous and mad also pathetic. His parents love Taehyung more than him, their biological son. Jungkook shut his bedroom door closed and throw himself on the bed. Covering his body with the iron-man blanket and whispered to himself how he hate his parents. How he hate taehyung.


Taehyung open his eyes and yawn. The loud alarm filled the silent of the morning. Taehyung sat up from his laying position. He then stood up and walked to the bathroom. Doing his morning routines and go downstairs to have breakfast. He greet Jungkook a good morning but was reply with a cold hummed from the other. He was weird out as why jungkook was acting that way so he followed him.
" Jungkookie, are you okay? " he ask. "yeah. " with that jungkook left him. 'what happened?' was all taehyung could think that day.


When they reach school, Jungkook go straight to his class without waiting for Taehyung. Taehyung try to catch up to him but he was way too fast. Taehyung just sighed and walk to his class.

Without Jungkook, Taehyung is just a lonely quiet kid. He doesn't have many friends. Jungkook was the only friend he have.

Jungkook is that naughty ,bratty and a bit too much friendly. Most of the other kid despise taehyung for always with jungkook. When taehyung was alone, it was their chance to bully him. But when jungkook started to avoid taehyung, he got bullied by his own classmates more often. Although it was not as bad as bullied that occurred in highschool, but it's affected taehyung. His classmates ignored him and calling him names. Jungkook didn't know that. They are 2 years old apart. So they had different class.

" Look like the lonely kid got into fight with jungkook. Jungkook ignore him most of time now. " one of his classmates known as Eren said with mocking tone. " Well I think Jungkook doesn't want to be his friend anymore because he is so lame and ugly. " he heard a girl who was wearing bright pink shirt and baggy pants with a pony tail said. She seems like that one girl in the kindergarten who love bullied other children for being ugly and all when she herself wearing a bright colour shirts tuck in a baggy tracksuit up to her chest, which is she actually is. Taehyung just keep quiet and continue reading his book.

When lunch time comes, Taehyung want to approach Jungkook and having lunch with him. But Jungkook push him away and left with other 3 kids. Taehyung end up having lunch alone.

As time goes by, Taehyung was always got bullied by his classmates. They called him name, stealing his lunch, and tore his favorite book. Taehyung doesn't tell the Jeons though. He know if he tell them, Jungkook will get scold for not being with him anymore. So he just ignored the bullied things like they are not affecting him. His classmates aren't go as far as hit him or throw him things or even rocks though which is kinda relief. But still, it is bully.

One day, at the school, one of Taehyung's classmates went overboard, the kid, Eren push taehyung off the stairs. Taehyung was sent to the hospital. It was not that bad, just a few cuts and bruises.

When he was at the hospital, jungkook who was at home was getting scolded by his parents. He don't even know why. He got punished by knowing his fault. He got grounded. He can't go out for 2 weeks and play his video games. He can only study, study and study so that he can be smart like taehyung. That what his parents thought.

"Jungkook, you want to come with us to the hospital? " his mom ask him. ' like you want me go together with you.' he scoffed and rolled his eyes. " No" he said coldly and continue doing his math exercise. His mom walked away leaving his alone.


" Jungkook didn't come? " Taehyung ask, eyes wondered around looking for Jungkook. " No. Let him be. After you discharged, we will go to the ice cream parlor.  You love ice cream right? " Jeon Eun Ae said smiling widely while hands caressing his soft brown hair. " You are a strong guy Taehyungie. You barely had a wound. My strong boy. " Jeon Jung Il said patting his back. "yeah. " Taehyung's expression blank. ' If you don't want to be my friend anymore, then I don't want to be yours to. You are not my friend anymore Jeon jungkook.' Taehyung thought.

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