Chapter 37: Recruting

Start from the beginning

Nikolay: Alright... And send... Now we just wait *Inhale* So tomorrow new batch of dolls as well as overmorrow the quartet will come along, which checks out the manpower front for now, the next thing on the list would be to get vehicles and supplies, sounds easy enough... The last part at least

Nikolay stretched out and got up again, finishing to brew his new cup of tea he looked back at the computer and then at the clock, if he didn't return soon Nadya would probably scold him again, but it's not like she won't scold him anyway, it was almost 1 a.m after all.

Nikolay: Hmmm, stay until 2 a.m and revise some of the sister's memories or go and get some sleep... Yeah the latter sounds better

He said and walked up to his computer and started turning everything off while with his other hand he kept a hold on the cup of tea drinking once in a while from it as he prepared to leave to his dorm, in a matter of minutes he finished turning off every device and now leaned against the table while he finished drinking his still warm tea.

Nikolay: Hm, at least everything is going rather smooth for once eh I will probably find a new rough bump on the plan yet again tomorrow... *Sip*

Nikolay kept thinking about this whole operation he was preparing, the preparation stage of it still running too slow for his taste but he couldn't really complain this wasn't a professional highly trained and skilled military force he had under his command now, not to mention that just tomorrow his manpower issue will be solved although he has been planning this for about 2 to 3 weeks now. He still was lacking skilled workers, heavy equipment, supplies, proper training grounds, and vehicles of his own, all that pilling up with griffin relations, Persica's tasks, and probably more importantly the deadline he set up as speculation before Polaris gets reinforced or decides to start causing trouble yet again.

Nikolay: Everything will get blown away if we don't attack first... *Sigh* Why must I get myself in these situations

He let out in a silent breath as he then finished gulping the last drop of his red tea and left the empty cup on top of his desk, walking up to the door after and closing it behind him with a good slam to be sure it closed properly. Now walking through the poorly lit corridors he reached the elevator and came back to the ground level, and upon exit, as he expected finding the main building empty and barren of life.

Nikolay: *Yawn* Talk about being the perfect environment for a horror movie...

???: Nikolay...

Nikolay: H-holy shit back off!

Nikolay jumped in place and backed against the wall as his head turned around to face the deep voice, expecting that his words came back to bite him in the ass he was ready to see some dead friend out of the tomb or a ghost with a scythe trying to get his attention to cut his head right off but he found himself upon something scarier.

Raisa: Mind explaining what you doing so late in the night?

Nikolay: *Hyperventilating* I could say the same thing to you

He quickly responded back as he relaxed a bit although his body was still tense from the sudden approach.

Raisa: Answer me first

She simply said with an unpleased face as she crossed her arms and waited for him to answer, Nikolay simply took a deep breath to recover his normal tone and answered.

Nikolay: Finished working for today, now you

Raisa: ...

Nikolay: So?...

Raisa: Also finished working...

Nikolay: Guess you can't scold me for that now huh?

He said cheekily as a joke, but that seemed to anger Raisa a bit more making him gulp down some saliva as he realized what his actions caused, however instead of receiving an even worst scolding which he was expecting he received a sigh from her as she simply calmed down and rolled her eyes.

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