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Suicide. The one word that continuously causes chills to the back of our spines. The one word that endlessly erases people's existence. The one word that could help you escape from all the terrorism of this harsh reality and yet- compared to this enormous and crucial world, only makes the slightest change. The one word that a 13-year-old girl considers day after day.

Once more, the girl climbed up the stairs tiredly, limping on to the rooftop. Her bruised cheeks were the spread of purplish and yellow tint on her ghostly skin. Her face coated with scrapes as the tears on the surface of her flesh could be seen. The girl's school uniform was tattered and torn, the jacket shredded apart, and her blouse was ragged with smudges.

In the stillness of the emergency staircase, her footsteps echoed glumly throughout the darkness. The dim flickering light shined through the dark as it matched her cheerless emotions. She stumbled up the stairs, taking one step at a time: a typical teenager, dealing with the daily feeling of depression that overwhelms most society. No, cross that: Suji never was a typical teenager. She had heart disease, called Heart Failure. Heart Failure is when someone's heart doesn't pump blood around their body effectively; this could result in the left or the right side of the heart organ being affected. Although both sides are rarely affected, that was the case for Suji. It made her body weaker than everyone around her age. Every PE class, she had to sit out unless she wanted to faint in front of her classmates.

Even now, as she stumbled upon the staircase, the shortness of her breath tugged at her chest. Suji panted as she pressed her hand at the cold and besmeared wall. As much as she despised this feeling of overwhelming despair, she could never defend herself properly. So that led her to become an easy target in school. To not get into any trouble like she did every day, she had to stay out of sight every time a teacher was not around: which she always failed to do.

Suji halted her footsteps, reaching out with her fragile and bony hands to the metal doorknob leading to the rooftop. Click! As she opened the door, a gentle soft afternoon breeze blew across her face. Followed by the tender and radiant sunlight, Suji blinked several times to get used to the sun's brightness.

After standing there in the warmth for a while, she wavered slightly towards the ledge. Her uniform was a plain white dress shirt and a black vest with white dotted strokes on top of the shirt. A bright red tie followed underneath the vest, a red and blue checked skirt that went down to her knees, tattered and barely clung to her. Her silky dark coffee-colored hair was a mess like the wild vines in a forest, and her chocolate warm brown eyes were dim without any light of hope.

Suji gaped beyond the see-through glass: it stood at the rooftop's edge, above the busy Seoul city. Then, Suji stumbled toward the transparent wall. Far away, forest green mountains leap high and above the clouds as the traffic buzzed busily below her school building.

Everyone always seemed to have somewhere to go, someone to be with, somewhere to be loved, needed, and cared for deeply. Despite that, Suji invariably felt like she had nowhere to go, no one to be with, and she was never wanted nor needed in this grim and ruthless world. The despair she felt, not belonging anywhere, that she was unusual, it all outweighed her urge she had to keep on living. The last fragment of faith she had crumbled away slowing, decaying into nothingness.

Suji clenched her fist until her knuckles turned white and her nails pressing against her palm, leading it to bleed small amounts of blood. She climbed on the thin layer of glass, specifically meant to protect people from accidentally falling. As she grasped on the see-through wall, she maintained to keep her balance as she rested on the thin barrier. Her legs hung precariously above the school backyard as she let out a small sigh.

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