Twelve Days of Christmas: Eleven Hallmark Movies

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Alya still couldn't believe the turn of events. After spending two years, two whole years, trying and failing to get Adrien and Marinette together, she had finally figured out the reason why. She had never, ever, expected for the truth to come out because of shrine levels of merch, but here she was.

"Uh, Adrien? I don't see any markers in here." Alya said, looking into the sea of red and black. She had thought this was the supply closet Adrien had talked about. It obviously wasn't.

"Not that closet!" Adrien said frantically, rushing over to her.

"Why do you, of all people, have a Ladybug shrine?" The accusation made Adrien's face flush and for Nino's and Marinette's conversation to come to a halt.

"It's not a shrine!" Adrien protested.

Nino bursted out laughing.

"Oh, it definitely is a shrine. You have posters, clothes, all sorts of merch!" Nino said.

"A shrine for Ladybug?" Marinette asked, her eyes wide.

Oh the poor girl. It can't be easy to hear that your competition was the superheroine of Paris.

"I'll take care of it! It was really just a merch collection that had gotten a bit out of hand! I don't, like, worship y- her! Or anything!" He rushed to defend himself.

"I know you don't ki- Adrien." Marinette told him, a lot calmer than Alya had expected. It was also surprising that he seemed to relax after Marinette's words.

"So you have a crush on her?" Alya asked.

"W-what? No! I just admire her a lot!" He said nervously, but Alya could totally tell that he was lying.

"I mean, I'm the same with Chat Noir." Marinette muttered.

"Ain't that the truth! I've seen that 'hero's merch' line you designed. It was pretty much all Chat Noir designs." Marinette turned away, blushing.

"I just think he deserves as much recognition as Ladybug."

Huh, how odd? Could a certain cat-themed be the reason Marinette had stopped stuttering around Agreste?

Alya just had to investigate.

And investigate she did.

After a few weeks of investigating she managed to figure out the real truth.

Adrien Agreste did in fact have a huge crush on Ladybug and Marinette had struck up a friendship with Chat Noir and had gained feelings because of it.

So Alya did the only thing a good friend would do.

She swore to set up Adrien with Ladybug and Marinette with Chat Noir and she was not above using her advantages as the owner of the Ladyblog to do so.

"Thanks so much for coming and helping me, Ladybug. I don't know how I can repay you." ALya said again as they walked to the set-up Alya had gotten.

"Oh it's nothing! Consider this an apology for not letting you be Rena Rouge again." Ladybug said in a low voice. Even if her identity was known to Hawkmoth and Nino, she would rather not have it be public information.

"Well, your contribution will bring in a ton of views."

Both Ladybug and Adrien had agreed to partake in a Christmas vlog series Alya was doing. Any money raised while the vlog was going towards charity.

"I certainly hope so. But the flyer promised two celebrity guests and I already know Chat Noir couldn't come, so who...?" Ladybug trailed off as the door opened to reveal Adrien Agreste watching a movie. "Adrien?" She asked.

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