Twelve Days of Christmas: Two Snowball Fights

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Adrien took in a deep breath, enjoying the winter wonderland that the weather had given Paris. It had snowed all through the night leaving the perfect opportunities to enjoy it in the morning. Oh was he thankful that it was a Saturday.

Sure, it might've been cold, but this was the rare occasion that he was actually happy to have a photo shoot, Now only did his father's designs keep him warm, but he got to be outside and enjoy the scenery. Paris was always beautiful, but Adrien thought it was best when it was covered in snow, glistening in the sunlight. The only thing that would make this better was if he was here with his closest companions instead of a modeling team, but he would take what he could get.

"Why don't we take a five minute break? You have a guest waiting for you after all." Giuseppe winked at him.

"I do?" Adrien asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yep they showed up around ten minutes ago, but you were too busy to see them. Vicky took care of it." Adrien shot a look of gratitude at the makeup artist, who smiled back at him.

"Alright, if you're sure."

"Go and have fun Adriano, you deserve it and I need some new tape anyway." Giuseppe waved him off.


"They're waiting just over there." The photographer waved to an empty area of the park they were filming at.

Adrien walked over, looking around for a familiar face. A small giggle erupted from seemingly nowhere before something cold and wet hit his head.

"Hey!" He exclaimed indignantly, looking around for the perpetrator.

There she was. Her hair was pulled back in her signature ponytails and she was giving him a look that seemed innocent, but he knew better.

"Marinette." He gritted his teeth.

"Hey Adrien."

"How could you do something like that to me? I thought you loved me!" He pressed his hand to his forehead.

"It's called tough love, ever heard of it?" She smirked and he just pouted.

"Meanie." Marinette let out a laugh and walked over to him.

"Whatever shall I do to make it up to you?" She asked, looping her arms around his neck.

"A kiss purrhaps?" He grinned down at his girlfriend of two months. She deadpanned.

"Okay, moment's ruined."

"Aww, I guess that means that I'll have to get revenge another way." He smirked as he crouched down.

"What do you mean anoth-." Marinette stopped her sentence when she saw what he was doing. "Adrien Agreste! You wouldn't dare!" She yelled, running away from him. He only laughed and chased after her, hurling the snow at her.

Years of throwing things at akuma victims had given him amazing aim and he rarely missed his target. His snowball hit right in the middle of the back of Marinette's jacket.

"Adrien! Oh now you're asking for it!" She growled and scooped up some snow.

"Come and get me m'lady." He called teasingly.

"Believe me I will." No sooner as the words left her mouth, did a bunch of snow hit his chest. He let out a groan, but quickly retaliated.

Soon, they were throwing snowballs back and forth at each other, bantering the entire time. Sometimes the snowballs hit their targets, other times they didn't. Adrien grinned as he realized they had fallen into the same pattern they had when they were dueling against one another.

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