Keeping Up With the Agrestes

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I'm backkkk! So, my month long hiatus is over and I will be updating both my one-shots and my multichapter stuff! Anyway, this idea came to me and I'm very excited to bring it to life! I hope you like it!                                                                                                                            -Colorado


All of Paris was in shock.

"You want to tell us why you're sending a senti-monster now?" Chat Noir yelled.

"No." Mayura replied calmly.

"You knew what today of all days was!" He accused, jumping off the rooftop to begin battling the lollipop come to life.

"True." Mayura grinned from the rooftop she and Chat Noir had been standing on a few moments prior.

"So why, pray tell, is this here?" He cried.

"You insulted my meatloaf."

"And for good reason! How many spices did you put in that thing?"

"Your father liked it!"

"And you trust his judgement?"

"Of course!"

"Your meatloaf tasted like week-old roadkill and to cover up the taste, you decided to dump all our extra spices in it!"

How did Chat Noir know what Mayura's meatloaf tasted like? And how did Mayura know Chat Noir's father?

"You're just jealous of my cooking skills." Mayura turned her nose up.

"What cooking skills!" He cried, continuing to battle the monster. "You have less than me, and that's saying something."

"You take that back!" Mayura gasped.

"Never!" Chat glared as the senti-monster hit him into the side of a building.

"If you take it back, I'll get rid of the senti-monster. Then you can go about and handle your," Mayura glanced at the T.V. monitoring the fight. "Other duties."

What was that supposed to mean?

"I will never." He seethed.

"Have fun battling the senti-monster then, and being late." Mayura scoffed.

"You're a pain, you know that?"

"Oh, I strive for it." 

With a smirk and a wink, Mayura left Chat Noir to battle the senti-monster alone. 


Paris didn't have much time to speculate just what Mayura's relationship with Chat Noir was, because the next time the villainess was seen sent their minds reeling. 

"Why hello Ladybug." Mayura said, nodding to the spotted superhero as the civilian's phone cameras trained on the two.

"Mayura." Ladybug said stiffly, looking around suspiciously.

"You can relax. I'm not going to ambush you."

"And why should I trust you?" Ladybug narrowed her eyes. Mayura raised an eyebrow until Ladybug sighed. "What do you want?"

"Can I not make some friendly conversation?"

Ladybug glanced down at the spectators below.

"Seeing as you're a sworn enemy, it would seem odd to the general public."

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