Twelve Days of Christmas: A Round of Karaoke

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Chat Noir starred as Ladybug hauled up a box to the rooftop they had ended patrol on. She had swung away, telling Chat Noir to stay put, and now she was back with something that looked incredibly heavy.

"Do you need help?" He asked, moving over to help her.

"No, no. You just stay there, getting over here was the hardest part." Ladybug told him, fidgeting with whatever she had brought.

"What is that anyway?" Ladybug looked over her shoulder and grinned at him.

"A karaoke machine." She answered.

"A karaoke machine?" Chat Noir repeated.

"Yep! I thought that maybe we could spend some time together and do some Christmas karaoke?" She asked.

Was that pink spilling out under her mask or was Chat Noir just seeing things?

He bet it was the latter. She may have been acting more warm around him since New York, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. Not like the last time when he had pushed way too hard. Things were better now between them. They were a lot closer now!

Chat didn't want to ruin that by confessing yet-again. He bet that part of the reason there was no awkwardness between them was because as far as she knew, he still had that girlfriend. She had no knowledge that he and Kagami had broken up months ago and his crush on her had returned full-force.

"That sounds purrfect m'lady." He smiled at her.

"I'm glad you think so! I figured we would both be pretty busy the days leading up to Christmas and I wanted to hang out with you so," She fidgeted where she stood. 

Ladybug being bashful around him definitely wasn't something he was used to, but it didn't faze him like it did the first time she had been nervous around him back in May. Her being emotional open to him? Yeah that had happened once in a blue moon. Her being nervous? Maybe it had happened once or twice before New York before it started becoming more common. Chat, of course, had thought it was cute. Her standing there with rosy cheeks and that nervous smile that he wanted to kiss off of her and-.

Wait, she had said something, hadn't she?

"It sounds great. We still have to plan when we're doing gift exchanges, though." Ladybug nodded.

"Maybe December 23rd? I'll be busy Christmas Eve and Day." Chat nodded, quickly running through his schedule.

"Yeah that'll work. I don't think I have anything super important that day."

"Well then, I look forward to it! I hope you like your gift."

"I'd like anything you give me, bug." Chat told her earnestly.

"I know you would chaton, you're too good to me." She gave him a smile that made his heart speed up.

"It's only the truth." He gave her a smile in return.

Silence followed for a few minutes, whether it was an awkward one or a comfortable one, he didn't know.

"So!" Ladybug said suddenly. "Shall we start?" She asked, giving him a grin."Of course buginette!" Ladybug just rolled her eyes.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

"I think we both know that you secretly love the nicknames." Chat smirked, pushing the memories of the few days where he tried distancing himself from Ladybug out of his mind. It obviously hadn't gone well.

"I like most of them, just not buginette." She said, wrinkling her nose.

Chat tried to not stress about the implications. Did that mean that she felt uncomfortable with the nickname? Was he making her uncomfortable again?

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