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"Chat Noir was silent. Not a single word had come out of his mouth since they had started scouring the rooftops. No flirts, or jokes, or even cat puns! Instead Ladybug's usually energetic and ball of lightning partner had slowly drawn into himself. He wondered if she noticed. Maybe she was grateful for the silence, that he had stopped bugging her for one night. Probably. He knew that she thought he was a nuisance most times, she probably saw this as a blessing.

As they came to the end of their patrol route, Chat Noir turned to nod goodbye to Ladybug. To his surprise, she caught his hand. His breath caught in his throat as he stood in the full force of her gaze. Even when she was frowning, she looked magnificent. Her gorgeous bluebell eyes searched his face. Could he be lucky enough that she was actually worried about him?

No, that would be silly.

'Are you okay, kitty?' She whispered, oh-so delicately.

Chat Noir opened his mouth, preparing the lie that was already tasting sour, but that wasn't what came out. No, what came out was a sob.

'Oh.' Ladybug breathed. Chat Noir inwardly cursed, how could he break down? Not here, not now. Not while she was watching. 'Oh, it's okay. Come here.' Without any more prompting, Ladybug pulled him into her arms.

The tears came as soon as she held him.

'Oh, I'm sorry, my chaton. You're gonna be okay, it's all going to be okay. You're going to make it out of this. I've got you, just let it all out. I've got you, it's okay now.' Ladybug whispered sweet nothings in his ear as he continued to cry.

Maybe later, he would feel embarrassed, thinking about how he let Ladybug see him like that. Feeling ashamed of himself, that he wasn't strong enough to keep up his act.

He was supposed to be the jokester, after all. The one who showed up with a funny line and a smile on his face. Chat Noir: sauve, chivalrous, brave... not this. Not this pathetic, shriveling mess he truly was. Chat Noir was supposed to be his escape from all of that! He couldn't let it show up here, to the one person who could not see beneath his act.

He made a promise to himself many months ago. He swore he would never show Ladybug just how pathetic he truly was.

And yet...

Here he was, breaking down in her arms. She held him, whispering words of comfort and reassurance in his ear. She sat them down carefully, playing with his hair and running her hands up and down his back. He cried as she did so, waves and waves of repressed memories of the past week hitting him harder than they had before.

And when his tear ducts were dried up, and when he pulled back from her embrace, she was there. Ladybug gave him a smile that made his heart light up, and suddenly he felt like crying for an entirely different reason. She was by his side, she hadn't abandoned him after all.

She had stayed."

"Marinette? Are you okay?" Alya's voice broke Marinette out of her trance. "Your eyes look red."

"Huh?" She was shocked to find that her voice was hoarse. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just this fanfic that I'm reading."

"Oh? Do tell!" Alya grinned, leaning over to try and see her phone screen.

"Well, uh, actually it's the latest chapter of Adrien's fanfiction." She looked at Alya sheepishly.

"No way! Agreste!" Alya crossed her arms.

The aforementioned boy turned around in his seat and raised an eyebrow at her glare.

"You updated and didn't tell me?" She slapped her hand against her heart and let out a dramatic gasp. "I feel betrayed!"

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