Twelve Days of Christmas: Nine Christmas Vendors

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Adrien couldn't believe it. Out of all the people he could've ran into, it just had to be her. Not that he minded running into his girlfriend, but seeing her only made guilt well up in his mind.

"Adrien? What are you doing here?" Ladybug asked, straightening her large sunglasses on her face.

"I could ask you the same question M- my love."

'Nice save.' He thought sarcastically.

"Well I was here for charity work, but then I decided to get some shopping done."

"And why are you wearing a disguise?" Adrien asked, titling his head.

"W-well, I may have heard from a little birdy that you would be here today and..." She blushed. "I wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend?"

"O-oh." Adrien asked, wearing a blush of his own. It was still hard to believe that he, of all people, was her boyfriend. "Who's the birdy, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, uh, it was Marinette?" Ladybug gave him a sheepish grin.

"Oh really? When did you see her?" He asked, somewhat innocently.

"Uh, last night?"

Looks like becoming Ladybug had helped her lie fast and efficiently.

"Oh cool, cool." He nodded, even though he knew she was lying.

"Yep! So I decided to take the opportunity to spend time with you, outside of your bedroom. Not that I mind the bedroom dates!"

"But it's nice to have some time out of it." Adrien finished her thoughts.

"Yeah." She grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Well, it's always wonderful to see you. Even if it's when you least expect it." He leaned forward and winked.

"Yeah. I missed you. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to visit all that often." Adrien waved her off.

"That's okay. We'll just have to make up for it now! You said you needed to get some shopping done?" Ladybug nodded.

"Well, why don't we shop together? I need to get some presents for friends and as long as we don't pick out our gifts for each other..." 

"Yeah, that sounds really nice, actually. Thank you my prince." Adrien fought down a blush.

"Of course."

"So who are you shopping for?" Ladybug asked.

"Alya, Nino, Kagami, Chloe, and Marinette." Adrien listed the names off.

He was incredibly thankful that as he entered his second year of going to school, he, Marinette, Alya, and Nino were all placed in the same class yet again. Even if that was how Marinette's identity was revealed to him.

Pro-tip: When you're a superhero and have a habit of talking in your sleep, don't nap in class. Especially when your superhero partner sits in front of you and even if no one else knows what you're talking about, he will.

"Oh, I see." Ladybug said, her voice carefully even. He had to bite back his grin.

"Yep! Who are you shopping for?"

"Well, I try to make most of my gifts, but I'm in the habit of signing them and if Chat Noir finds my signature..."

"Bye, bye, secret identity." Adrien answered. Even if it was pointless to try and hide her identity from him.

"Yeah..." Ladybug bit her lip. "I hate lying to him and I hate all the secrecy, but that's the price I have to pay."

"I'm sure it has to be hard." He muttered. He hated keeping secrets too. Especially the secret that he knew that she was Marinette and he was Chat Noir.

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