Twelve Days of Christmas: Seven Ugly Sweaters

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How had she gotten herself into this situation?

Tonight was supposed to be the average slumber party. A luxury that was becoming rarer and rarer as new Ladybug responsibilities started to pile on to Marinette. But finally, everyone's schedules had aligned and Marinette, Alya, Juleka, Rose, Alix, and Mylene were all sitting in Marinette's room talking while a Christmas movie played in the background.

It was getting to be around nine when things strayed from normal.

"And so anyway, I told her that-"

Knock knock.

Alya's rant about a journalist was cut off as something tapped on Marinette's trap door. 

'Oh no.' A wave of dread ran through the girl as she realized just exactly what, or rather who, it was. 'Maybe if I don't answer, he'll just go away?' Marinette thought, closing her eyes to block him out of her mind.

"Go on, Alya. It was probably a bird or something." Alix said.

"Right, so anyway after she had the audacity to call the Ladyblog a tabloid article I told her-."

Knock knock knock.

They were back and a bit more forceful this time.

"What is that?" Mylene asked.

"Just a stray cat who sometimes prances around my balcony." Marinette waved it off, fighting down the temptation to raise her voice.

"Oh okay. So I told her that if she wanted to accuse me of being a tabloid blog then she better check up on her own magazine. I mean, haven't you seen some of the things she posts about? She thinks that the whole ordeal is all fancy technology! It's obvious that she had no-"

"Marinette? You in there?" A male's voice called from above her bed.

"I have people over!" She called back to him, squeezing her eyes shut and hoping that they wouldn't recognize his voice.

"And you don't want them to know about moi? My, my, I'm not sure if I should be offended or not, Princess."

"Marinette!" Alya shrieked. Of course she would be the one to recognize his voice. "What is Chat Noir doing here?" She half-yelled, her eyes gleaming for a story. "When you said that a cat frequented your balcony I didn't realize you meant one of Paris' beloved protectors."

"That's because no one was supposed to know." Marinette said through gritted teeth. "I guess there's no point in hiding it now." She muttered. "You can come in Chat!" She raised her voice so he could hear.

The trapdoor opened as a black mass tumbled to Marinette's bed.

"Hey girls." Glowing green eyes greeted the group. Marinette glared at him.

"What happened to keeping our friendship a secret so Hawkmoth can't use me to gain an advantage over you?"

"As long as none of these girls go running to him about how we're hanging out, I think we'll be okay. It's only a worry if we go public and I don't think we have to worry about that from any of you."

"Well, as juicy as this story would be for the Ladyblog, I'm not going to risk my friend's safety." Alya nodded. "But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to get as many questions answered as possible."

Marinette sighed.

"I guess that's fair, but Chat gets to say if anything is too revealing, got it?"

"Of course!" Alya waved off her friend's worries. "Now I could do this in the classic interview format, but I have another option that would be much more entertaining." She said, a dangerous smile on her face.

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