Starting Anew

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The cold air was a blessing in comparison to the stuffy room that Ladybug had just fled from. She knew that she shouldn't have ran like that. She shouldn't have left Luka there, lips puckered and waiting, but she had panicked.

Why oh why had she agreed to date him? She knew that it wouldn't last long and that it would only end in heartbreak. She knew that! Especially after New York....

Yet, a few days after New York, when Adrien and Kagami announced their official status to the group, Marinette had accepted Luka's offer. And everything had been great! She really did like him, she wouldn't have accepted his offer if she hadn't thought she would fall for him easily. He was kind and could always sense how she was feeling. She had thought that with a little bit of time, she could've learned to love him.

But things had changed. Right when she thought she was falling hard, her world had turned upside down.

"Are you okay?" Chat Noir asked, joining her on the roof.

"Isn't it obvious?" She chuckled bitterly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He came to sit down beside her.

It wasn't like they hadn't kissed before. They had been dating for months, of course they had kissed! But tonight, as he had leaned in to kiss her, she had seen Adrien talking to Kagami and Chloe out of the corner of her eye, and just ran.

She had ran away from the hotel, where Chloe's annual New Year's party was hosted. Away from her dead-end relationship with Luka. Away from her problems. Away from her partner, whose identity was compromised not a week earlier.

Adrien was Chat Noir. The girl she had been friend-zoned over was herself. The person she had been rejecting was the boy she had loved.

What a cruel, cruel reality.

If only she had given Chat Noir a chance.

If only she had allowed them to reveal themselves as soon as she became Guardian.

If only they hadn't been too late.

"Not really." Ladybug shrugged.

"All couples fight. I'm sure you two will snap back in no time."

Ladybug shook her head.

He didn't get it! How could he? Even if he and Kagami weren't together anymore, he still wasn't in love with her! He had successfully moved on, unlike her.

He didn't realize that the reason why she couldn't kiss Luka was him. That knowing that Adrien was Chat Noir lit the flame that she had carried for him yet again. That she loved him, whole-heartedly and no matter how much she wished it, Luka just couldn't replace Adrien.

"What do you mean no? You've liked Luka for forever. I'm sure that whatever reason you'll have for running he'll understand."

"Oh he'll understand. Because that's just the type of person he is. Intuitive and kind and absolutely wonderful!" She exclaimed bitterly.

"It, uh, doesn't sound like it."

Ladybug let out an exhausted sigh and put her arms around her knees, curling in on herself.

"He has been treating you well, right?" Chat asked, a dangerous edge to his voice.

"What?" Ladybug whirled her head around to see his green eyes wary. "Of course he has! That's exactly the problem!"

"Why?" He asked, tilting his head in a way that was just so cute.

"Because...." She trailed off.

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