The Aftermath

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I just really wanted to write a fun little one-shot about everyone's reactions to the reveal. The thought of Adrien and Marinette's dynamic changing so much within less than twenty four hours and confusing the heck out of everyone is HILARIOUS to me. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                        -Colorado


When Alya woke up she had expected it to be a normal day. She would head to school, help Marinette out with whatever her newest ideas were, hang out with Nino afterwards, and then go home to babysit her sisters until her parents came home and cooked a delicious meal.

Her plans were turned on her head the moment she stepped foot onto the courtyard.

Evidence of something happening was clear as day. Students were talking in hushed whispers, glancing towards the courtyard. Chloe was fuming, with Sabrina following behind trying to console her. Alya spotted Rose explaining something to Alix wildly, and Alix's eyes widened before she rushed into the courtyard.

Was it an akuma? No, there wasn't enough mayhem for Hawkmoth to be up to something. What about the appearance of a celebrity? That would explain the whispers and whatever happened between Rose and Alix, but wouldn't Chloe be in there kissing up to the celebrity? Maybe Lila was spouting nonsense yet again. Chloe obviously didn't approve of the Italian girl, so maybe she stormed off after failing to refute her. That would also explain the other occurrences.

Which meant that Alya had to survey the scene before Marinette got there, or else a showdown was inevitable. While she would love to see Lila get knocked down off her throne, Marinette's attempts had only made the situation worse. If they were going to do something about her, then they had to be crafty. It would probably require the help of Nino and Adrien too, and Alya knew they would happily help them.

Now all she had to do was plaster a fake smile onto her face and listen to Lila rave about whatever it was while looking for any weaknesses. Well, that shouldn't be too hard, after all, a journalist would have to learn to smile even if the person they were interviewing wasn't their favorite.

Forcing a smile over her face, Alya prepared herself for the scene of Lila up on a table enthralling everyone with her tales. She turned on her heel and walked into the courtyard only for the smile to slip off of her face.

Alya's jaw dropped as she took in the scene that had caused such pandemonium. There was no way her eyes were working. She had to be dreaming or hallucinating or something! The chance of this happening was microscopic! And surely she would've heard about this!

Had she woken up in an alternate universe or something?

Because there was no chance that in the world she knew, Adrien and Marinette were cuddling on a school bench, completely unbothered by the students doing double takes and whispering all around them.

Even those who weren't in their grade level had seen the way they had interacted and knew that this was far from normal. In fact, just yesterday Marinette had still been stumbling over her words trying to talk to Adrien about something or other and he had been nodding and smiling, trying to understand what she was saying.

How had they gone from awkwardly conversing to Adrien having his head on her lap and playing with her hair as she used his stomach as a table to sketch designs?

What in the world had she missed? 


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