Twelve Days of Christmas: Five Mistletoes

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NYC Special Spoiler Warning! You DO NOT want to be spoiled about this! Trust me... go watch and then come on back and read!


At first Ladybug had been hesitant to give the miraculouses out. She had thought that Hawkmoth knew all of the identities of the other heroes. But Tikki had explained to her that because it was information that was learned because of an akuma attack, it got wiped after she threw her cure, like what had happened with Oblivio. If anyone learned something that could be dangerous due to an attack, then it would be unlearned.

It definitely lifted a weight off of Marinette's shoulder. Being the newly-appointed Guardian was stressful enough, having to choose new heroes was even more stress added on. Plus the whole drama with Adrien and Kagami and you had one overwhelmed teen.

Thank the Lord it hadn't lasted long. With the help of Wayzz, Tikki, and Chat Noir she managed to fall into a routine that didn't overwhelm her like her old one had, plus she had time for her duties as Guardian. Then she had managed to sort her love life out somewhat.

That night in New York had been utterly devastating. Her losing Chat Noir for what she thought was for good, then Adrien leaving for Paris, then her chasing after him in the rain only to slip and fall. Her final 'I love you' escaping her lips in a whisper. It had been emotional for sure, but then when Chat Noir had returned to her the rush of overwhelming happiness nearly knocked her off her feet. Her emotions at seeing Adrien again weren't nearly as big.

What irony. As soon as she realized her feelings for her partner were different than she had thought, he had bounded up to her next patrol happily announcing that he had a girlfriend.

Ladybug should just accept her fate as 'Just a Friend'.

At least her crush on Chat Noir was healthier than her crush on Adrien.

She had definitely felt guilty rejecting Luka for good, but she knew that it was necessary. She couldn't lead him on after finding her clarity.

Another awakening that had happened because of New York was that having only her and Chat Noir as full-heroes sometimes didn't end well. If anything ever happened again where they needed to be in two places at once because of two different attacks, then at least having some other heroes would prevent some of the damage. Even if they couldn't use the cure, it was better than nothing.

Alya and Nino had the most practice with their miraculous by far. Plus the four of them would work incredibly well together. After talks with Tikki, Wayzz, Trixx, and Chat Noir they had all come to an agreement. Alya and Nino would start keeping their miraculouses on them full-time.

Marinette knew that Master Fu was hesitant to have more than four miraculouses active at one time, but things were different now. Mayura and Hawkmoth were only becoming smarter and stronger. Having more full-time allies was necessary.

It had been months since she had handed them out their miraculouses and now it was Christmastime once again in Paris. Even if Ladybug wasn't a huge fan of the weather (thanks side-effects!), she still loved the magic that came with this time of year.

That was why she showed up to the patrol spot earlier than usual. To enjoy the atmosphere of her home during the most wonderful time of the year.

"Hey M'lady, you're here early." Chat Noir dropped down next to her.

"Yep, I wanted to just sit down and enjoy the view."

"Where's your mirror?" 

"Now Chat Noir, would your girlfriend appreciate you flirting with another girl?" Ladybug asked, her eyebrows raised. The nicknames were one thing, but pickup lines were another.

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