Twelve Days of Christmas: Eight Christmas Carols

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Marinette nervously adjusted the Santa hat on top of her head.

"What's wrong?" Tikki asked as she flew around the girl"Oh nothing's wrong. I'm just nervous about tonight."

"Is it Adrien?"

"Is it bad if I say yes?" Marinette asked. "I mean, he hasn't done anything that makes me nervous, but..."

"This is the first time you two will be hanging out one on one since your identities were revealed. It's natural to be nervous, Marinette!"

"I know, but every time I even think about him I get butterflies in my stomach!"

"Well seeing as you were crushing on Adrien for a better part of a year and then have been crushing on Chat Noir ever since moving on from Adrien, I'd say that's pretty reasonable." Marinette gave her kwami a glare.

"That's a really good point, Diane. Thank you so much for bringing it up."

"But my name is Tikki?" Marinette sighed.

"Never mind."

"Alright, but honestly Marinette, you have nothing to worry about!"

"I only have to worry about making a complete fool of myself and making him hate me, but sure! That's nothing!"

"This is Adrien we're talking about. He adores you as both Ladybug and Marinette!"

"Not in the same way I do!" Marinette protested. "He may have broken it off with Kagami, but I know for a fact that he doesn't like Ladybug that way anymore and Marinette has always been 'just a friend' to him. Why oh why did I have to fall for the one guy who seems to always friendzone me? I thought Ladybug was supposed to have good luck! But no!" Marinette ranted as she walked around her room, getting ready for the night.

"But Marinette, how do you know that his feelings haven't changed?" Tikki asked. "You two haven't talked at all and it could be possible that he hasn't told you that he has romantic feelings for you because he doesn't want to be rejected again!"

"Yeah right, like I could be that lucky." Marinette rolled her eyes.

"But-." Whatever Tikki was going to say was interrupted by an alarm going off.

"Gah! I'm going to be late!" Marinette called her transformation and swung away.

"Where is she?" Chat Noir muttered under his breath as he passed the top of the hospital.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, you know how it is." Ladybug greeted him as she landed next to him.

'Marinette.' His mind oh so helpfully supplied. 'Marinette who is Ladybug who you have been in love with since day one only to move on from her to Marinette who is Ladybug who-'

"Chat you alright?" Ladybug (Marinette!) asked him, oblivious to his inner turmoil.

"Uh yeah! Yep! Great! Purrfect really!"

"Um okay then, whatever you say." She turned away and he felt like slapping himself. This was Ladybug after all! She wasn't freaking out the same way he was! She's never had romantic feelings with him, after all.

"Did you bring the sheet music?" Chat asked.

"Uh, yep! It's right here! You ready to go and spread some holiday cheer?" She asked, handing him a stack of papers.

"Yeah totally." He gave her a shaky grin.

"We're going to give these kids the best Christmas yet!" Ladybug cheered. He smiled. She really was adorable.

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