Ball Drop

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Alya wasn't sure what she did in a past life to deserve this, but whatever it was, she was deeply sorry. She thought she had it bad when she was watching Marinette come up with scheme after scheme to get with Adrien, but no, she had decided that this was 100 times worse.

What was this?

It had been two months since identities went out the window thanks to Shadowmoth, and as a result Alya and Nino were introduced to the absolute shitshow that was the love square. From her perspective, everything should've worked out great between them! Marinette loved Adrien and Chat Noir, Adrien loved Marinette and Ladybug, just kiss already!

But no, they liked to torture her.

So instead, Alya had to sit through two months of the most obvious mutual pining since Rose and Juleka, terrible flirting, and "he couldn't possibly like me back!!" conversations. If there was a hell, she was convinced this was it.

It was Adrien who broke her.

The four of them were celebrating New Years in his flat when it happened.

Alya and Nino were observing the spectacle that was their two obviously-in-love best friends in the living room, sipping champagne and trying not to scream. Marinette, in a move of spectacular flirting, had batted her eyes at him whilst complaining about having no one to kiss when the ball hit 12. Alya three months ago would've been impressed, current day Alya just wanted to scream.

And what had Agreste responded with?

Was it a suave line that would've made all the fangirls swoon? No, of course not. Was it a heart-achingly sweet offer that would've made Marinette melt? Obviously not. Was it a cat pun? No, cuz apparently Alya can't even have that.

Instead, in an amazing Adrien Agreste move, he offered his sympathy and changed subjects. If there were no witnesses, he might've had a "strange disappearance" be discovered the next day.

Thank goodness for Alya's best boyfriend in the world, pulling his best friend into the other room.

"I'm going to kill him." Were the first words out of her mouth once her and Marinette were alone.

"He means well." Marinette flinched. "He just... doesn't exactly pick up on social cues sometimes."

"I know that honey, but how the everloving fuck could he not realize you were flirting? I mean, this is Chat Noir we're talking about! I'm surprised that line came out of your mouth and not his!" Alya ranted, taking another sip of her champagne.

"I don't know either, Als."

"Ooo if you and Nino weren't here, I think I would've killed him."

"If Nino and I weren't here, you wouldn't be this mad."

"Screw you and your logic."

"You really are worked up about this, aren't you?" Marinette said, a hint of a smile on her face.

"Of course I am!" Alya was exasperated. She took a deep breath, calming herself down. "Look, Mari, you've had a crush on him for years. Now we learn that he's loved you back this whole time." She gritted her teeth. "I just want to see my best friend happy."

"Alya..." Marinette looked almost guilty. "I-." She chewed on her lip, Alya could tell she wanted to tell her something, but she had no idea what. "I'm sorry." She finally said.

"No, no, I shouldn't get so worked up over a relationship that's not even mine. Just... promise me you'll talk to him about it soon, ok?"

"Okay, I will. Promise." Marinette held out her pinky, which Alya happily linked with her own.

"Got it?" Nino said, poking Adrien in the chest as they entered the main area again.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Adrien rolled his eyes, but there was a clear smile on his face. His gaze caught Marinette's and he winked, sending her into a fit of giggles.

Alya shook her head, sipping her drink.

Would these two ever learn?

"Alright guys, five minutes until midnight!" Nino cheered, turning the television onto one of the celebrations happening around town.

"I made hats for each of us, here!" Marinette rifled around in her bag, pulling out four hats for them, all hero-themed with the words "Happy New Years!" on them.

"And I got us some party favors!" Adrien grabbed a bag from one of his drawers, dropping the contents on the counter and revealing a series of whistles, crowns, and other goodies.

"Cheers to us, everyone!" Alya said, holding up her glass.

"Let's make this the year where we take names and kick ass!" Marinette held up her own champagne.

"Oh honey, we do that every year." Alya winked. They all laughed at that.

"I hope this year will be even better than last." Adrien commented as he sat next to Marinette.

"Believe me dude," Nino clapped him on the back. "It will be."

They watched as the countdown got closer and closer.

Soon it was at a minute.

Then at 30 seconds.


"5," Alya began the countdown.

"4," Nino joined in.

"3," Marinette was next.

"2," Adrien's grin was infectious.

"1," They all chorused.

"Happy New Ye-!" Alya and Nino's cheer was cut off by the sight of their two best friends locking their lips together.

"Happy New Year, m'lady." Adrien said, looking at her so softly even Alya could feel it.

"Happy New Year, kitty." Marinette looked just as smitten.

"What-?" Nino began to say.

"The-?" Alya beat him to it.

"FUCK?" Both of them shouted at Marinette and Adrien. Who, for their own good, looked rather sheepish. 

"So uh," Adrien looked down at their intertwined hands. "We've kinda, sorta, maybe been dating since we revealed our identities?"

Alya blinked once, then twice, then three times, looking between the pair for any sign of a joke. Nope, both Adrien's and Marinette's face looked deadly serious. 

Finally, she turned on her heel storming off.

"Where are you going?" Marinette called.

Alya held up her empty glass.

"I need more champagne before I deal with you two."

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