Part Fifteen Long ass chapter people

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Ravio gasped as it took it's sword out from its case, its cleavage shining in the moonlight. Ravio backed up, scared of what was to come for him.

The thing appeared to be a he, his piercing red orbs glowing in the darkness. He wore a familiar outfit....but where from? The figure was shorter than he, but towered over him like a dark cloud.

"Who are you?" The things voice said, sounding younger than he appeared.

Ravio only stared into its reds.

"Who are you?! Don't make me repeat myself!" The figure said, holding his sword in the air, but he dropped to the ground, the moons light had pierced his dark grey skin. Ravio had the chance, and took it. He got up, sprinting full speed away. As he made his way through the sharp twigs poking out of the bushes, he stopped. That boy looked just ravios eyes widened as he struggled to break free from the bushes that were now tangled around his arms and legs. He couldn't move! The shadow boy had returned, staring down at ravio, covering the moonlight with his darkness. Ravio stared back, confused. Why wasn't he 'burning'? He mentally facepalmed as he noticed it only burned him only if touching his skin. The figure grinned, showing a set of pointed teeth, they could even be called fangs.

"L-link?" Ravio managed to get out.  The "shadow link"s eyes widened.

"How do you know my name?"

Ravio stared. "Link!" Was only what came out. " scared me, buddy! What happened to your eyes...and everything else?" Ravio said, tearing from the bushes, running towards the boy with his arms held out. He smashed into the boys chest, wrapping his arms around the tunic.


"W-what the fuck...?" Were the only words that could escape my mouth as he crashed into me, hugging me. I blushed a little, pushing the bunny boy away. "Who are you?!" I yell. He stared, confused. "Why link, its me! Ravio!" Ravio? What kind if name is that...?! I stared, pondering on how he knew my name....


I stare at him. He was almost as beautiful at night. "Link! Whats wrong with you? Why don't you remember me?" I cup his cold dark cheeks. He stares, and I can feel the cold escaping, reoccupied with heat. I smile at him staring into his inhumane eyes. "Now link.....tell me, what's happened to you?"


"Now link....tell me, what's happened to you?"

I blush at his touch. I think of my past....what's happened to me? Hildas face before I turned.....the fright. She was never the same....


"I'm sorry...but we can't thrive with thy in lead. You're forces have become forces of the evil!"

"Princess please! I mean no harm! It is my evil brother who has done this! He has turned me! But I myself gave not a care of him!"

The princess looked down, covering her mouth as tears leaked.

"No, hero, I can hold thy kingdom by not need any help any longer. I must....banish you. To the woods....until you can meet your true self once again. You are the complete opposite, a reflection nearly, of what you used to be.....I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry." I said quietly, tears form opon my cheeks.

Ravio only stared. I look down as he gets closer to me. And closer. Closer to my lips. Closer.

"W-what are you doing?!" I yelp, backing away.

He looked hurt. I start sobbing, why does everything and everyone I meet suffer because of my very presence?  He walks back up to me, but I back away, unable to break the connection of our eyes. His eyes widen as he trips.....over a sword. My sword..... he screams as it is launched upwards under his foot, and into his neck. It is only a little ways through, but Ravios screams were unbearable. Shadow links eyes widened as he heard a voice say: "Ravio!" Both of their heads turned to face none other than a short dirty blonde Hylian with anger in his crystal eyes.


I couldn't believe my eyes as the blade went into Ravios neck, sliding up to his chin, the crimson liquid pouring out ever so slowly. His screams were horrible. I ran towards him and my least favorite being. Me. I glared at the shadow as I knelt down to Ravios height. "A-are you okay?"

Ravio nodded as I slowly took the blade, which wasn't too deep, actually, out of his red covered neck. He tried to smile as I looked up at him, straight into his emeralds. Then his nose  srunched, his eyes wincing as he held his neck. "O-ow." We had to get him home right away. Ill deal with shadow later. I lifted him, bridal style, and giving the dreadful thing one last look, headed home.

After bandaging his neck up and giving him some milk, I tucked him into our cozy bed.  Smiling, I gazed at him, giving him a 'its gonna be alright' look. He smiled back, and I kissed his forhead softly, making his adorable Lorulian face redden. I laughed, messing up his dark hair, and got in right beside him. He blushed as our shoulders touched, I smiled and turned my whole body towards him closing my eyes.

"Goodnight Ravio."

"Night, buddy."

Link x ravio A love Between WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now