Part Thirteen

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Link crossed his arms giggling as he shaked his head of golden brown fluff. "So you mean to tell me that you and the Princess have a thing?"

Ravios face heated, the cuccos in his stomach seemed to become worse.

"Well, you see, link umm, she likes me, obviously alot, but...." he stared off into nothing. Link cocked his head concerning that something was wrong. "I dont return the feelings....Link?"

"Yes, Ravio?"

"Do you remember that time? When I had just come to Hyrule. Not the first time, the second."

"Of course..."

Do you.....remember that thing we did...?"

Ravio winced in embarassment. Link hesitated but soon remembered clearly. His eyes widen a little and his cheeks grow red.


Ravio tensed up as he looked down.

"While we're on the subject....umm....would you mind...doing it again?"

Link blushed a deep crimson his eyes staring at Ravios raven hair, which was currently covering his eyes.


Link lifted ravios head to face his, quickly pecking him. The boys gazed into eachothers eyes as link leaned in for another. They're lips met, and Ravio was suprised at how good a kisser the shorter Hylian was. They're heads moved in sync as Ravio set his hand on links neck, making him blush like mad. Link wrapped his arms around the taller lorians neck. Ravio cupped links face kissing him harder. They pulled back, both breathing heavily as they stared.



"I love you."

"I...I love you too."

Link blushed looking down. Ravio smiled a little, touching links cheek. "So....what happens now?"

"I don't know......"

Link looked up at Ravio. "Ravio.....I want you to stay here...."

Ravio stared. "Me too." They hugged, a tear rolling down the Hylians cheek. "But you can't." Link started to cry. Ravio petted his head.

"Maybe...I can. Ill stay here....its not like they need me....I'm not a hero like you, Mr. Hero." Link smiled and Ravio wipes a crystal tear away. "You'd do that? For me?" Ravio nods, taking links hands, causing link to shiver. Link looked down at their hands, then his eyes trailing up to Ravios emeralds.

"We both know what happened to gulley.....what if he never comes back...?"

Link x ravio A love Between WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now