Part Twenty c:

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I hadn't seen gulley in three days. I paced in my dimmed room, my wet cheeks drying from my crying.  I sighed and leaned against my door, sliding down to the floor. I quietly sobbed, covering my face, making my gloves wet. He was my only happiness. Who could have done this to me? And where was he now? Had thy been hurt? I had so many questions they made my head burn. He reminded me of my hero, who had left our falling kingdom to rot in darkness. That is why our kingdom had nearly been swept away by that Ganondorf man. And now our hero lived in the darkness like us. Why would he do this? Why had he left? It was me....wasn't it? I am a horrible ruler....


I pulled back from Ravios face, blushing deeply, breath heavy. We gazed into eachothers eyes for what seemed like eternity. I finally looked away, blushing deeper. He smiled, cupping my cheek. My eyes met with his again, and he wrapped his bare arms around my neck, my face heating 100 degrees. We were both nearly half bare, only my thick, pantlike, tights covering me, him sparing a pair of boxers. He cheek softly, then his lips continue down to my neck, making me let out a soft moan. He laughed quietly, kissing in that one spot on my neck that made shivers go down my back. His lips moved around the spot, causing my embarassing moans to become louder. It bit my lip as he kisses the spot slightly harder, gripping his shoulder, moaning like crazy. He kissed the spot for only a few seconds longer, pulling back, gazing into my sapphire orbs. I gazed back, blushing and nibbling on my lip.

"Well I think I marked my territory." He said, grinning seductively. My eyes widen and I blush deeply, pushing him off of me and getting off of the bouncy soft surface of my bed, peering into the mirror. On the left of my neck was.......I blushed deeper, staring wide eyed at the blooming red circle on my neck. A hickey. I blushed at looked over at him. He grinned that grin again, sitting up. "So....wanna go break pots for rupees or something?" I blushed.

"I don't have a sword anymore." 

"Oh yea."

I walked over to the bed, leaning over to pick up my clothing. I went to the bathroom (yea he has a bathroom now cause I mean..... .-.) to change, coming out minutes later with a oversized white long sleeve and dark blue jeans, feet still bare. "I was cold." I say as Ravio stares, unamused. "Well I'm not." He says, turning on his side staring at me as I walk towards the bed, sitting. I smile at him, and he leans up, pecking me before laying back down, closing his eyes. I lay as well and get under the covers, falling asleep.


I stared at my bare feet in the creek, sky dark. I sat on the edge of the grassy land, taking my feet out of the cold water, hugging my knees. I was worn out after a day of cutting grass with my improved sword. Now I felt slightly sad. The boy, gulley, had made me feel happiness. And I haven't felt anything like it in years.....since Hilda.  Just thinking about the lass made a tear run down my cheek. If only she knew I was only put under a spell. But the look on her face, the sadness and anger in her eyes that I longed to fix. Maybe I should. But how...? The bracelet. The one dark had......was that the key? I remembered, gulley had must have let him come back to Hyrule.....he was the one who went missing. I had to find dark! I quickly but clumsily stood up, tripping over my feet as I struggled to put my boots back on. I ran through the woods, not knowing where I was going. I suprisingly spotted him around fifteen minutes after I left the creek. He also spotted me right away, taking out his sword. He smirked. "Come to get your ass kicked again?" He pointed the sword towards me, his smirk turned into a fang revealing grin. I backed away, having taken my own sword out. His red eyes widened, he had noticed the power growing inside of the sword I held. "I-i don't want to fight, dark. I just want the bracelet. Despite my shorter figure, he acted as the prey. He glared. "Why?"

"Just hand it over!" I yelled, gripping the sword.

"I don't have it." He says plainly, returning his sword to its case.

"What..?" My eyebrows raise, my hands letting the sword go down. 

"I said I don't have it. Now skeedattle, shortie." He waves, turning.

"W-where is it then?"

"Gave it to Zelda."

I facepalm. "Why did you-?!" I sighed, putting my sword away. "Get it back."

His head turns, eyes fixed on me. "For what price?"

"Price?! I swear to the goddess.... howabout....umm.....5 hundred?"

"He smiles, shaking my hand.


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