Part Twelve

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Hilda stared out the window of her castle. It was quite lonley....the only two things she had left were Gulley, and the beautiful dawn of each new day. She loved to watch it rise, just before the Lorulians went to their workplaces and stores, when everyone was asleep. So she stands there, her elbow atop the windowsill, gazing into the orange sky.

She heard a shifting behind her, and smiled. Pretending to be unaware that the little Hylian had awoken, she continues to stare out the window. She giggles to herself as the boy tugs on her glove.

"Princess! Princess!" He yelped in his little voice. Hilda looks down at him.

"Can I see? Pleeeaaase?" He chirps.

She laughs and nods, bending down, her hands wrapping under his arms, lifting him upwards and setting him on her shoulders.

"Thy can see now?" She giggles as he plays with her dark locks. He nods grinning. It was so peacful now in Lorule. All thanks to Hyrules hero. So quiet in the mornings, but you can hear the birds singing their harmonic melodies. Hildas face, illuminating a bright orange against the suns rays, smiled warmly. Life was so perfect.

Link awoke to soft snoring. He opened his eyes and stretched. Sitting up, he looked over to Ravio and his pet bird, who were both deeply sleeping. He smiled and rubbed his eyes. Ravio opens a green eye. "Mr. Hero? You're awake!" He smiles, sitting up.

"Oh really?" Link says grinning rolling his eyes. The small Hylian stood up, yawning as he grabbed for his hat. He put it atop his head and started out the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Ravio said, scratching his head. "Well to work of course." Link says, opening the door.

"I thought you were off, remember? You don't feel good."

"Im better now." Ravio nods as link leaves.

A few minutes later, Ravio had gotten bored again. Sheerow tried entertaining him with air-tricks, but it didn't help. So he decided to go outside, for a walk, maybe. He made his way to the door, stopping sheerow. "You can't come with today, okay? I don't wanna lose you again." The bird saddened as Ravio waved his goodbye and left the cottage. He walked west to kakariko village, looking around. He walked up to a shop looking building. As he read the wooden sign, someone poked his shoulder.

He turned and blushed to see Princess Zelda, smiling bashfully.

"Hi, Ravio." She beamed, her eyes reflecting off the sky. Ravio turned, smiling.

"Hey Zelda. I mean princess. Uhh...Princess Zelda!" He looked down his cheeks warm. She giggled tipping his head up with her hand.

"Just call me Zelda, sweetie." Ravio blushed deeply and looked at her once again. "Okay!"

She giggled.

"So what are you up to today?" She asked cheerfully. Ravio looked around the village. "Just looking around. It reminds me of thieves town. In Lorule. Just.....much livelyer and more....happy." he gazed opon some cuccos coming by. Zelda nodded.

"So you've never came here on your last visit?" She asks. Ravio shakes his head. "Indeed not." His eyes returned to hers.

"I see. Well there are plenty of places to visit!" She smiled sweetly.

"I bet. What are you doing here?"

Zelda looked down.

"Just visiting. Its stressful being propped up in that castle all the time." Ravio nodded. Zelda smiled and lightly put her hand opon his. He blushed, smiling at her. She returned the smile and they're fingers intertwined. Zelda pulled him onto the street, walking down it, showing him all the different shops and homes.

After about half an hour they had visited just about every place in kakariko village, standing in the spot they started.


Well I guess I'd better stop and get some milk at the milk bar.... Link thought. He just finished fixing various items at the blacksmiths and made his way southeast to kakariko village. Ravio wont mind if I'm a little late, will he? Link thought as the bartender poured him a glass. He chuged the whole thing and was out the door in a split second. He smiled wandering down the street, as he saw....princess zelda! What was she doing down here? Wasn't she supposed to be in the castle? He made his way over to her and saw her talking to Ravio. "Hey guys." Link smiled.


Ravio blushed. "Hey buddy." Zelda smiled and huged the short Hylian, their hair nearly the same gold.

She pulled away and winked at Ravio.

"You jealous?" She whispered in his ear. Ravio shaked his head blushing. Zelda giggled. "Ill make him jealous." Link overheard. "What are you talking about?" He shaked his head, clearly confused from Zeldas proclaimation.

Zelda then planted a soft kiss on Ravios cheek, making link look away in embarrassment. Zelda chuckled.

"What's wrong link?" She talked to the boy as if they were young again. "Did you get a little jelly welly there?" She giggled. " Ravio here has clearly fallen for me, hasn't he?" She cooed, making him hide his burning face under his scarf. Link giggled nervously, as if he knew exactly what they were talking about. Zelda patted Ravios head. "Yes, and I think I have the same exact feelings." She smiled, flattered by Ravios embarrassment. Link saved Ravio from being teased any longer than he had too. "Well, we'd better be heading off home, eh Ravio?" Link said taking the other elfs hand and speedwalking home. Zelda giggled once more. "Silly boys....."


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