Part Five

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Ravio and link sat in silence. Link agreed (for the second and LAST time) that ravio could stay at his place. But only till they found the bracelet.

Meanwhile, gulley, eho had stolen the bracelet and discovered its powers had used the crack alongside the hill that links house was put opon to travel to lorule. He popped out on the other hill, right in front of ravios house and looked about his surroundings. It looked as hyrule did, just different. He decided opon the choice that he would stay for a bit then go back home to hyrule. Till then, he was gonna check thus place out top to bottom! He went to theces town, looked about for awhile then went east to find a house resembling his own humble home. He saw.....was that......the blacksmith? He ran up to him and smiled. "Father!" The man only looks up confused. I'm not a father, child. Lesser to be yours. Now go home." Gulley frowned and started northeast, where he would usually find the castle. But instead he looked opon a dark dungeon looking one. He entered it, being the adventurous little brat he was and looked around seeing three doors and under the floor was lava! He shaked his head and went through the biggest one, continuing to go upwards till he found himself outside once again. He went down the east side of the castle and came to a door. He opened it and walked into a circular room of which was very, very messy! He saw in the middle of the room, a woman. She had long sark purple locks and rusty brown eyes. She wore a beautiful gown whuch resembled none other than princess Zelda! She was knelt down sitting opon her knees, her eyes shining with sadness. She gasped as she looked up at gulley, and finally spoke. "W-who are thee who s-stand before me?" Gulley giggled and walked up to her smiling. "I'm gulley! Who are you?" She smiled and poked his nose softly. "I see your a friend. Hmm I know that name, gulley. But where from?" She put her hand on her chin. Her eyes widen, she beams. "A sage! I'm princess Hilda of lorule. How had you gotten here? You just must tell me, sweet boy!" Gulley smiled and pointed to ravios bracelet. Hildas eyes widen once again. "Ravio?" She whispers.

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