Part Nineteen EXTREMELY Long chapter

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Queen oren sat alone in her throne, alone. Since she had come back to the now safe kingdom of Hyrule, things have been.....strange. She hadn't seen any of her people or guards around, and she didn't dare go outside, for she knew there could be possible danger, and didn't want to take the risk. What was she saying? She had to defend her people and see what as the matter! No, if she did that she may end up in danger, which would also result in negativity. The zora sighed. She had to do something.....


I soon forgot the earlier events with my....what would you call him? He couldn't really be my other self....That that was the other guy, who shared the same name as I, link. But.....wasn't that guy who used to live in the abandoned vacant house him? I've been studying this....since I've gotten into this kingdom of light. Everyone seems to have a resemblence to those in Lorule. I knew that green link guy was me..every time I looked at my reflection in the creeks in Lorule, I saw him.....haven't I met him before? I shaked my head in confusion and heard some...lively noises. I peered from behind a bush at a town, resembling thieves town, I saw cuccos....and people. But these people weren't depressed or sad in any way, like in Lorule. These people seemed quite joyous. I watched as they happily skipped along, as if their world was just saved or something. I quickly turned to my, uhh, normal-looking-and-less-satanic mode, and walked into the village. A boy passed by me and waved, looking into my now brown eyes. I awkwardly waved back, no one had ever treated me in this way before. Not saying I was enjoying it.....

I walked into a milk bar and asked for a glass. The bartender just gave me a look and said "We don't serve non-paying customers. Hand over the rupees." My temper got the best of me; I drank all the milk in one sip and crushed the bottle over his head. "No." His eyes widened as blood dripped down his forehead. I felt the eyes of the other customers as I walked out of the bar. I didn't feel guilty or have any regret. I was evil, after all.

I strolled down the street, wiping the remaining milk from my smirking mouth. I walked around for awhile, examining the shops and houses. I gazed opon a house atop a steep but short plateau. Someone bonked into me and I turned to glare in fury at the girl who had crashed into me. "Wtf us wrong with you?!" She looked about ten or twelve, her cheeks dripping with tears. "Now get outta here! Why are you crying?! Go!" I said, anger in my voice. She scurried away, leaving almost a puddle of tears behind her. I turned, putting my hands opon my waist. Out of the courner of my eye, I saw a cave, with a dark hole beside it. I wanted to investigate, but stayed put. I stared at the house for awhile, trying to decide if I should go inside or not. I decided no, not yet. I walked again, this time finding myself in front of a familiar house. Ahh yes, the other links. I peered into the window, looking around the room. My eyes widen as I see link, and another boy, on top of him, their faces slobbering on the others. I winced and quickly walked along, feeling, was that.....a heating of my cheeks? I don't blush. Well I suppose maybe it was different in the current form I was in. I shaked off the thought, and lept off the side of the small plateau, landing gracefully on the firm but wet grass full area below. I continued my walk, heading for a certain palace. I saw it above the trees, gleaming in the hideous sunlight. Hyrule castle. I had some unfinished buisness to deal with.


I glanced over at the darkish grey boy beside me, feeling tears run down my face. His eyes only stared down. I kept my stare, and after a few fist pounds on the floating glass ball, he looked up. "Hey! Can you help me out here?" I asked, even though he was bound to the tree. But I spotted the sword launched in its case on his back, and had an idea. He gave me a look. "Look kid, I can't help you. I'm tied to a frikin tree!" I nodded at his sword, and hus eyes fixed onto it, as he soon realized what I was thinking. He tried nudging it up with the part of his hand that was partially free, popping it up a little. I watched as he jumped, and the sword came flying out. His eyes widened, and it landed opon the wet grass afront of him. He stretched his foot out, touching the tip of the sharp blade. He slowly and carefully dragged it towards him. Once it gad finally come close enough, he stomped on it, flipping it upwards, his hand shot out, grasping the handle. He then cut the ropes, being careful not to cut himself. He then finally was free, the ropes falling to the ground. He did a funny victory dance, making me laugh. He stopped quickly, blushing. He put the sword back into its sheath, approaching me. He tapped the glasslike barrier, it cracking at his touch. I crossed my arms as he lifted me, carrying me out of the sphere. "So it doesn't even leave a mark when I punch it, but it breaks so suddenly after you tap it? What has the world become?" I roll my eyes as he sets me down. "Stop acting so selfish. At least I saved you. He crossed his arms, staring down at me. I nodded, and looked around my environment. "So. you know where my papa is?"

"And who is he?" The shadow boy asks. "The blacksmith." He nods and picks me up again, carrying me out of the clearing.


The adorable little boy I currently had in my arms fell asleep fairly quickly. Why was I doing thus? I'm supposed to be evil That's cuccoshit. I should have just been my own person, rather then letting that stupid dark boss me around..... I smiled at the little mass in my arms. I can be good.

I knew exactly where the blacksmiths house lay, so this should be easy, despite my appearence. When I could see the rooftop of the cottage, I walked a little faster, making the little angel open an eye. I pretended I didn't notice, and knocked on the door. Inside I could hear a mans voice scolding someone, and clanging if a hammer.

The door opened and a red faced man opened the door, glaring at me.

"What do you want, boy? Don't you see I'm bus- Gulley!" He had obviously spotted the boy, and took him from my arms. "Gulley, who is this nice boy?"


"Gulley, who is this nice boy?" I asked my returned son. He beamed and said "I don't kniw his name, but he has a sword!" Gulley looked at the boy, who was awkwardly standing in the doorway, with a nervous look painted opon his face. His face....I got a better look at it, and gasped. He was a monster or something! But he had saved my son, and he seemed somewhat nice, I suppose I needed to reward him. "Well, well!" I said, gulping nervously. "A sword, well I'm a blacksmith! Best in Hyrule!" I bragged. "Swords are my best friend! Why don't I fix up yours a little?" I invited him inside, setting gulley down. "Well, want me to improve it or not! I don't have all day, boy!" He took the case off, giving it to me. I did my best, and stood back, grinning at my latest creation.


I gazed in amazement at the beauty. It was super metallic, the black handle now wrapped in dark purple bands, a red sparkling rupee at the top of the banded area. I smiled and thanked the blacksmith, taking my sword and walking out of the cottage. My first good deed was done. I first noticed the stronger attacks the sword obsessed when I tested it out on a bush. The whole bush was left in millions of pieces after I shot a purple beam out of the sword. My jaw dropped in awe as I went around, cutting grass with glee.

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