Chapter 35

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your p.o.v.

I groaned, pulling Akaashi in for another kiss. He laughed and cupped my jaw, letting his lips linger over mine. I could feel his smile against my pout.

"Y/N, it's just for a day.. I'll see you tomorrow," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaning over to hug me. "You just focus on having fun with your friends."

I sighed and nuzzled into his neck. "But I like having you here, too."

"Twenty-four hours. That's all." I grumbled and moved away from his neck, pressing my forehead to his. "I love you, pretty girl."

"I love you, too." I kissed his nose. "Drive safe, okay? Don't text and drive. And tell me when you're home."

He flashed me one of his beautiful wide smiles. "I will. Have fun today and don't worry about getting back to me, just enjoy the time with your friends. Bye, gorgeous."

I placed one last kiss on his lips and grabbed my backpack and the giftbag, muttering a goodbye as I opened the car door. I quickly made my way to Ennoshita's front door, waving at Akaashi before using my key and walking into the home. The familiar scent of delicious cinnamon- with a hint of medical supplies- filled my nose. The house was quiet, which made sense since it was 6 a.m., meaning Ennoshita was asleep. His parents weren't home; I knew this because the family car was gone and post-Christmas was actually a pretty busy time for the hospital. 

I left the gift on the kitchen counter, seeing a note from his mom saying there was money for food later and a cake in the fridge. I quietly made my way to Ennoshita's room, yawning from having woken up so early. I set my backpack down by his desk and hung my coat on the desk chair, eyeing my sleeping bestfriend. Thankfully he was on one side of the bed, leaving me the other half. Carefully I took a pillow and set it beside him. 

The pillow touched his back, making Ennoshita stir. "What the fu-"

"Divider pillow, sorry," I whispered. I got on the bed, moving over to where we were both decent distance apart and I was comfortable. I poked at his cheek annoyingly. "Happy birthday, Chika-chan."

His grumpy look turned into a small smile. He grabbed my hand to stop the poking and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you. But did you have to get into my bed to tell me that?"

I shrugged, laying back and pulling the covers over myself. "Keiji left and I thought it wouldn't hurt to come early. Now, it's sleepy time. We'll talk in a couple hours."


I put my backpack down, now changed out of my loungewear and into jeans and a loose graphic tee. It was only gonna be us second years here at Ennoshita's place, so there was no need to be all dressed up. I adjusted the watch on my wrist, smiling to myself at the sight of it. It was about to be noon.

"Y/N! Hurry the hell up, I want to open the bag!"

I furrowed my brows, letting my arm fall to my side. I grabbed a pair of liner socks to put on to walk around the house and finally joined Ennoshita in the kitchen. I gave him an annoyed look and hopped onto a bar stool, grabbing a tea biscuit from the plate on the island and beginning to munch on it.

"I'm here, open it," I said, taking a bite.

Excitedly, Ennoshita yanked the decorative tissue paper from the bag and peeked inside. "The candies came in!"

I laughed, dusting my fingers off and resting my chin on my palm. "The package from Vi and Jas came in last week. We always end up sharing them anyway so I thought I might as well make it a part of the gift."

Vi and Jas, or Violet and Jasmine, are my cousins that live in the United States. Violet is 22, almost 23 years old. She is the oldest of her three siblings and the oldest grandchild- out of 8- on my mother's side. Jasmine is 19, almost 20 years old. She is the closest to my age on my mother's side, only a little over two years older than me. She's the youngest from the three siblings. Both girls are easy to get along with, the closest thing I have to sisters. Them two, as well as Jintan and Daizen, are the relatives I'm closest with.

It Would Be Fun, Don't You Think? {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now