Chapter 13

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ennoshita's p.o.v

Akaashi Keiji

i should be picking up the gift at 8 6:07 a.m.

so any time after 9 is good 6:07 a.m.

6:29 a.m. got it

Akaashi had told me yesterday while we were playing cards he had planned to buy Y/N something for her birthday. He gave me a list of ideas and asked me which one I thought she would like best. I obviously helped him out and we made a pretty good decision in my opinion. When Y/N and I left, she fell asleep on the bus ride and luckily wasn't able to see texts back and forth saying he needed time to buy her gift before she went over. I'm glad she found someone like Akaashi who cared enough to put something together like this.

I got up from bed, did my thing and got dressed in casual shorts and T-shirt. When I was done it was already 7. "Y/N-chan, wake up." I poked her cheek repeatedly until she stirred. "It's 7, get up. We can come back to the room right after and you can go back to sleep."

She walked over to the restroom, stopping before she walked in. She looked at me, a genuine smile on her face. "I appreciate what you guys are doing for tomorrow. I can't remember the last time either of us celebrated our birthdays."

Honestly, neither could I. It had to have been before middle school. I gave her a wide smile. "It's gonna be great."


your p.o.v.

I sat up from bed, my stomach finally settling from breakfast. I looked over at Ennoshita who was watching a documentary very intently on the hotel TV.

"The hell is so interesting about fish?"

He waved me off, keeping his focus on the screen. I decided to change out of the clothes I was in since I had slept in them last night, replacing them with grey sweat shorts and a loose fitting black t-shirt. 

"You're leaving in that?" Ennoshita questioned as I walked out of the restroom.

"Yeah. We're staying in for the day. Plus after yesterday I could use some peace and alone time with him."

"Actually, what happened yesterday?" He turned to me, turning off the TV. "I didn't want to ask last night because Kuroo-san and Bokuto-san looked a bit upset before you and Akaashi came back out. Did they fight?" I explained to him the events in the kitchen and what I now knew. By the end his jaw was dropped. "Really? I was not expecting that. You told him you were okay with it right?"

"Of course I did! How much of an asshole would I be if I wasn't? We all worked it out last night. He told me that Kuroo-san apologized for letting it come out the way it did. And that Bokuto felt really bad but fortunately Akaashi made him feel better about it."

"Wow. It's like something out of a movie."

"Tell me about it. I'm just glad it worked itself out. Anyway, what time were you gonna meet Bokuto?"

He hopped off the bed and walked over to the glass doors that opened to a balcony. I followed him out. "I don't know. We can leave whenever you want."

"When I want?"

"Yeah to go see your boyfriend." He slung an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his side. "He's a really good guy, Y/N."

"I know that."

"Don't mess it up."

"Shut up."


"Hey you two," Akaashi greeted us at the door.

It Would Be Fun, Don't You Think? {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now