Chapter 16

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your p.o.v.

"Ennoshita, I'm dating a professional fighter," Akaashi announced as we entered the house. I heard the sounds of someone in the kitchen until finally my best friend came into view. He gave us wide smiles.

"Welcome home, love birds. Wait- professional fighter?"

I removed my shoes and walked into the house, Akaashi doing the same. We followed Ennoshita into the kitchen where he was making something for dinner. "I beat up three guys trying to pick on some girl at the library," I said casually.

"Attagirl! Did you use your hands? Do your knuckles hurt?"

"You're encouraging her?" Akaashi asked from behind me.

"Y/N can take care of herself. Plus, she'd look a bit more shaken up after something like that. So what really happened, why the story?"

"I'll let her tell it while I go change."

"Go ahead." Akaashi walked out and headed to Ennoshita's room. I had offered for him to change at my place like I had but he refused. I had changed into shorts and one of Akaashi's hoodies. Ennoshita turned his attention back to me. "You- spill."

"I was on the way to buy coffee when I heard two people between the bookshelves. When I saw them, this guy was trying to back a girl into the shelves and get in her face. I acted like I was her girlfriend. One thing led to another and I pinned him against the wall with a move Daichi-san taught me. He backed off after that."

"I'm proud of you. He didn't hurt you, right?" I shook my head. He walked over to me and put an arm around my shoulder and pinched my cheek. "Show me the move."

I turned around and did what I had done earlier to the creep. Ennoshita's eyes went wide. "See, I'm a badass"

"You really shifted the momentum. That's because I had already readied my stance. Great job."

I moved back and grinned. Honestly I was afraid the move wasn't going to work earlier because of how the tall and broad the guy was. But my body took over and pinned him against the wall. Luckily losers like him back down when someone challenges them.

Once Akaashi was changed into comfy clothes we all ate the dinner Ennoshita prepared. The three of us were home alone, due to Dr. and Dr. Ennoshita's emergency at the hospital. It was weird how the three of us had our parents, but they were rarely ever present. My mom was the only one that seemed a bit more present, but lately she had been visiting Dad's family in Sendai City for a couple days at a time. My dad began to have offers to teach one or two week courses for the fall term, so he's been away and super busy, too. The house was all to myself lately. I wasn't sure if I liked it all that much.

The three of us spent the night watching movies and catching up since it was the end of week. Though Ennoshita and I basically had the same stories since we were in the same class, in volleyball and hung out almost 24/7. The night ended around midnight since that was my curfew and Mom was actually home for the night. I said my goodnight to Ennoshita and Akaashi walked me home.

"Love?" He was playing with my hand as we walked, more so looking at the ring on my finger.

"Yes?" I looked up at him. His mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. "Is something wrong?"

His eyes sparkled under the light of the street lamp. He shook his head. "I was just going to ask what time we're running tomorrow."

"Whenever Chikara comes and gets me." We were at my front door. The house was quiet. Mom must be asleep. I looked to meet his eyes once again. I always got lost in them. Silently he cupped my cheek and kissed me. Slowly, sweetly. Passionately. Hard. Soft. I love you.

It Would Be Fun, Don't You Think? {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now