Chapter 33

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akaashi's p.o.v

I walked over to the living room, a blanket draped over my arm and two mugs of warm tea in each of my hands. As soon as I turned the corner, my eyes landed on Y/N. She was sitting on the floor, back against the couch, knees up against her chest, one arm resting on her knees and her chin resting on her arm, a book in her free hand. I could see her eyes were lit up with excitement and darting back and forth on the page. I smiled at the sight, setting the mugs down.

"Hi, sweetheart," I said softly, crouching down and attempting to put the blanket around her.

Wordlessly she leaned forward to let the blanket come around her, eyes glued to the page. She said nothing for a couple more seconds then closed the book over finger. Her (e/c) eyes met mine. "Thank you. I'm sorry it's cold, but I really don't want to fuck with the thermostat and my dad freaks." She pulled the blanket around herself tighter and smiled at me. "Thank you."

I kissed her cheek, ruffling her hair playfully. "Anything for you, always." I sat up on the couch behind her, gently tilting her head back to rest in my lap. I brushed the hair out of her face, caressing her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

Her face adorably twisted in confusion. "Feeling about-" Her cheeks became dusted with a rosy color. "You mean my legs? I told you, I'm okay."

I looked at my hand on her cheek, avoiding her eyes out of embarrassment. "I know, I know," I whispered. "But you literally wobbled as soon as you stood up this morning."

I could tell Y/N was trying not to laugh. "For both our sakes, I am going to skip the dirty joke." She brought my face down and kissed my nose. "Babe, I enjoyed yesterday. Really. You shouldn't feel bad about it. More than anything it's soreness in my thighs. I'm not in pain. Stop feeling bad."

"Will you be okay for tonight?"

She nudged my shoulder, sitting back up and opening her book. "As if I'd be caught dead limping because of something sex-related while seeing my cousins."

I laughed and leaned over to grab my mug, raking my fingers of my free hand through her hair as she read.

~ *skip a few days*

third-person p.o.v.

Laughs and giggles filled the L/N household on the morning of Christmas Eve.

Akaashi had woken up early, at 6 a.m. to be exact. He took a few minutes to watch as his girlfriend slept peacefully in his arms, brushing the stray (h/c) hair from her face. Love and adoration swelled in his chest. Each morning he woke up by Y/N's side felt like the first. Carefully he slipped out of bed, making sure there was a pillow in her arms to hold on to, just like he did every time he left bed before she was awake.

Once he was fully awake and ready to start the day, Akaashi thought it would be a good idea to make breakfast for Y/N. And that's what he did. He cooked up a breakfast for the two of them to enjoy, bringing platters to her bedroom.

"Oh! Good morning, beautiful." Akaashi gave Y/N a smile, setting down the plates on the desk. "Did I wake you?" He sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, putting a hand on her stomach and rubbing his thumb over her shirt.

"The smells of eggs did," she replied in a mumble, rubbing her eyes. "That tickles."

"What? This?" He put both hands on her sides, beginning to tickle the girl.

"Ah! Keiji-" she sputtered out, laughs taking over. Y/N laughed until her stomach hurt, the attempts to push her boyfriend away futile.

Akaashi let out soft chuckles seeing her in a fit of giggles and squeals, marveling to himself at how cute she was. It wasn't until Y/N started to cough, her laughs making her morning throat coarse, that he stopped. His hands were off her sides immediately, helping her sit up and patting her back softly.

It Would Be Fun, Don't You Think? {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now