Chapter 27

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your p.o.v.

It was Thursday night and I was pacing the floor of my room. Tomorrow I was going to Tokyo for my weekend visit. Akaashi's birthday weekend. I had everything packed and ready to go, including his gifts.

Tomorrow was a 'birthday' hang out with some of the guys from the Fukurodani volleyball club and Kuroo and Kenma. The plan had originally been to do a bigger party with some of Akaashi's and Bokuto's classmates but Akaashi was adamant about keeping it more tight knit.

I felt nervous. I wasn't going to give him his gifts until Saturday night, on his actual birthday, after a dinner with just the two of us. But I couldn't help but feel like something was going to go wrong, or maybe he wouldn't like the gifts. One was a practical gift, a bottle of cologne since I had noticed he was almost out. Then there was the main gift, a-


My thoughts were interrupted by Ennoshita calling out my name from the living room. "In my room!" I called back.

He came into my room, holding Kairi in his hands. "Here you go. I shall pass you the fur baby."

I took the pup in my arms. I sat down on the floor, stroking Kairi's fur. "Random, but I'll take it."

Ennoshita sat down at my desk chair, looking into my overnight bag. "Nervous about this weekend?" I nodded. "You shouldn't be. Akaashi is definitely going to like the gifts. And he's said it himself, he just wants to spend time with you. You're fine."

I nodded. "I know, I know. I'm just overthinking."

"I know the perfect way to distract you." 

He grabbed my school folders and journals, motioning for us to sit on the couch. I sat down beside him. Ennoshita started to go over the things we needed to start studying for each of our classes since finals were soon, right before Winter Break. 

While we were going over the last class my phone started to go off. Probably Akaashi getting home or something. I stood up to grab the phone from my bed.

pretty boy💕 would like FaceTime...

Knew it. "Keiji's calling. Is it alright if I answer?" I asked, sitting back down on the couch. Ennoshita nodded. I answered the call, propping my phone up on my knee. "L/N residence, how may I help you?"

"Hey, Ennoshita. What are you guys up to?" Akaashi was at his desk, pulling out a journal and a textbook.

Ennoshita held up his written out study plan. "Figuring out what we need to study before finals in a couple weeks."

"I should probably do what you're doing once I'm done with these notes," Akaashi said, motioning at his journal. I leaned my head on Ennoshita's shoulder, yawning and looking down at the list he had made. "Hi, baby."

I waved. "How was practice?"

Akaashi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Let's just say I'm very glad we're having a break tomorrow."

Ennoshita and I gave him looks of understanding and sympathy. "That intense?" I asked.

Akaashi nodded. We all began to talk about our week, though it was really Ennoshita and I taking turns talking with each story since we were together 24/7. Eventually Ennoshita went home, taking Kairi with him. I hung up the phone for a bit to both shower and let it charge.

I returned to my room, ready to sleep. It wasn't even that late but my nerves about this upcoming weekend made me tired, believe it or not. I grabbed my phone from my desk, crawling into bed and clicking on Akaashi's contact. I laid down, hearing the call connect.

It Would Be Fun, Don't You Think? {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now