13: Good news are always welcome

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James S

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James S. Potter

I swear that Sunday was a fever dream, both Ted and Vic decided it was their greatest idea to tell literally every single Potter-Weasley about my little tantrum at The Three Broomsticks and this family Sunday, a tradition that we used to have on the Hogwarts lawns, was particularly insufferable with all the teasing and comments and the hardest thing was that I couldn't tell them off because that will mean to explain my deal with blonde bitch and that wasn't an option.

"So, Rose will marry Scorp eventually and now you dating Cassie; That sure would make Uncle Ron thrilled" Louis Mocked both me and Rose to which my redhead cousin glared at him.

"I'm not dating Malfoy and you all need to shut the fuck before I make you" I groaned while rolling my eyes,

"Are you actually starting to threaten your family dumbass?" I heard Lily with that condescending tone on her voice.

"We all know you are not dating Cassie, she won't look at you like that" Rose added slyly making me look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Excuse you? Malfoy would be lucky if I ever laid eyes on her"

"Oh don't twist our words, we know you are not dating her; because she won't date you, not because you are not struck by her" of course Vic had to add her commentary on this intervention that all my female relatives seemed to have with me while my other cousins were happily playing quidditch.

"Albus is the one who is in Love with her" I excused myself with that so maybe they thought about my little brother and how uncomfortable this would make him.

"As if, Scorp and I saw him snogging a Slytherin brunette at the shrieking house" Rose spoke, and we all looked at her in shock.

"What were you doing with Scorp going to the shrieking house?" Lily asked her with a suggesting smirk.

"None of your business" the older redhead answered with flushed cheeks.

I decided that I was going to lay in the grass while ignoring their snarky comments and actually tried to relax myself before the school week. That's when I heard that particular soft pitched voice which had become the source of my nightmares the last few years.

"Scorp is not already here? When we read your note, he promised he would be in time" the blonde girl was speaking to Ted in a concerned voice.

"He probably lost track of time, thank you for being here it really means a lot for me and Vic" I heard my best friend whom I grew up with tell his cousin and that made me realize that maybe this was not a normal hang out like we used to have.

"Well, you said it was important for you to have us here, and trust me The Malfoys, Blacks, Greengrass or whichever bloodline we might share; we don't let family down and you are family like it or not" she said with a tender smile while giving his shoulder a rub. And now I kind of felt bad for eavesdropping their conversations. That was for sure a side of Cassiopeia Malfoy that you I don't get to see very often...much like ever.

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