16: Did someone said Draco Malfoy?

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No point of view

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No point of view

The Ministry Halls were empty, since dawn approached, and most people got ready to go home to their family. But that was not the case of certain man who was strutting furiously trough the place with a destination in mind.

"Sir, you can not go in the Minister's quarters with out an appoint..." the lady at the desk tried to stop him but he had a reason to be here and no one would become on his way.

"Alohomora" He almost shouted the spell directed to the heavy door in front of him and barged into the office startling Mrs. Hermione Granger-Weasley who was occupied working in her desk.

"Where the Hell is Potter?! I'm going to kill him!" The blonde said through his teeth with an angry expression.

"Draco, please take a seat and breathe" Hermione spoke looking directly at his eyes and the man knew better than to challenge the brilliant witch, who now was rather closer to him, after working together for quite some time in the Minister, of course before he decided to step down to look after his Ill wife.

"There are Aurors as of this moment raiding my teenage daughter room in my house, under his orders I'm going to kill him. How dares he involve my little girl into his incompetence to solve a case?" he explained in obvious outrage.

"I know, and Harry knows, and he is doing right now everything he can to clear this up, the thing is Draco, and you know this, bureaucracy works in strange ways; of course, Harry didn't sign that order directly, we wouldn't doubt Cassie for a half a second"

"...But other people might if this goes around she's...I'm afraid she won't take it well and I made a deal with the Ministry years ago, my family cooperated, we paid for our sins and we laid under the radar and this is what I get back? What my children get back?" They had nothing to do with it and still are paying the consequences" the blonde was extremely frustrated, since the day he held his daughter this was his worst fear, that his past would catch up with the most important persons for him, his daughter, and his son.

Just as Hermione was about to say something trying to at least comfort her friend the door opened once more and not one, but Harry Potter showed himself inside the room.

"Mione! Tristan got this...Malfoy" the brunette man gulped at the sight of the man whom he sort off leaved things at an awkward stage and the situation didn't made things better.

"I really hope you give me one good reason to not kill you" his grey eyes were looking straight into his and Harry sighed.

"I know how you must feel, she's a kid and trust me the last thing I would let is that another kid gets that kind of attention" he said with an almost painful voice and that simple reassurance made Draco Malfoy relax his tense shoulder and smirk to his once nemesis.

"Wouldn't bear not being the center of attention for once, Potter?"

"I'm actually trying to help your kid Malfoy, who is an incredible young with that shouldn't be a target of the Ministry and that I happen to like myself because she's amazing at saying please and thank you at the table" he added with a nostalgic tone.

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