06: I smell poppies

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Cassie R

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Cassie R. Malfoy

After the incident with James's Girlfriend we didn't had a chance to get in pairs with someone else, and yeah, I was mad about that but it sure was worth if that means I got to spite his morning and the ones to come.

But to be honest he didn't look that amused with the whole situation "Are you going to stop whining about your little girlfriend and come help?" Deep down I knew that Potter was only going to be a dead weight considering how bad he is at potions, I don't even know why he attends this class.

"Okay I'm back, great to see you in your teams already" I heard Slughorn as he entered the room, and wow, I didn't even noticed he was gone with everything that went down with the annoying Gryffindor by my side.

"Could you maybe not invade my space? I know you are obsessed with me and all, but jeez" I scoff after he said that looking over him in annoyance.

"Oh, sorry so the book that we are actually supposed to be reading while brewing this thing is bothering you?" I took the book that I left between us so that he could also read now keeping it only in front of me.

"I have my own Darling Thank You" he said taking out his book our of nowhere making me roll my eyes.

"You are brewing one of my favorite potions, Amortentia, anyone know what it does?" Slughorn question the class and even if I knew exactly the answer I didn't like engaging a lot in class.

"It gets your crush to love you or something like that, my uncle once drank it on accident, and he was in love with this crazy girl" The Weasley that always hangs by James spoke and I simply made a slight disagreement face. That was not by definition what the potion did.

"Okay, close but not quite. It is indeed a love potion but it doesn't make anyone fall in love sadly for some of you" he half joked, and I mean the old man was sweet as he could be I couldn't help but smile. "It just makes whoever take it to become obsessed, even infatuated when the potion is strong" he explained.

I peek my eyes at the cauldron seeing the lilac liquid become almost pale pink, meaning we brew the thing correctly... well that I did while Potter was watching and complaining like the immature baby he is.

"It is rumored that it smells different for everyone, always a pleasant smell of course if it's not pleasant you must start again" he said cheerfully "A well done Amortentia never lies kids" he winked exactly at no one while he let the other students finish their potions.

"Are you going to take notes? Or still moping about Mrs. Potter?" I asked him devilishly while I wrote in perfect handwriting with my quill.

"You really need to get laid or something" he answered like always, as a child.

"Who said I'm not getting laid?" I asked rhetorically while I still wrote my observations.

"If you are, then the brave human must be doing something wrong, you need to blow some steam" he added with amusement while taking out a Lollypop from Merlin knows where and started sucking on it.

Amortentia; James Sirius & Cassiopeia MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now