10: You really called me Princess?

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Cassie R

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Cassie R. Malfoy

There are times that I am actually impressed with how naïve and dumb Potter could be. If I'd know the brown-eyes Gryffindor was not going to tattle tell McGonagall I would've left the second he did not arrive on time. And now I was just losing more time waiting for him to actually think what he wants to know.

He lived life so careless, living in the moment; if the tables were turned I'd already had a hundred questions prepared beforehand, yet he is just sitting in front of me with that stupid smirk knowing I'm growing impatient.

"So" I spoke urging him to talk, one thing was pseudo blackmailing me, and the other was making me lose my time.

"What is that supposed ancient and  rudimentary magic? Like the one you used to open Ted's box which was obviously closed with a charm I've never heard" he finally asked, and I made a pause getting the answer straight in my head, making it basic so he doesn't makes me stay all night trying to make him understand.

"Well, ancient magic is actually our magic on it's raw state, think of what we learn here as a curated manual of magic the spells and potions are already there, but you know how people create spells, or actually discovers them, when the magic civilization started Wizards were actually encouraged to explore their limits...but with the politicization of the magic world those practices were eradicated" I explained calmly while still writing my essay with my quill, multitasking was my thing.

"It is illegal then?" James asked with his eyebrows raised making me roll my eyes, always jumping to conclusions like me and my family are some sort of rule breakers just because of what went down on history with the dark lord.

"No, but it's actually not permitted, like they can't throw you in Azkaban for it but they won't teach you how to use it at Hogwarts" I stated simply looking him slightly nod.

"How did Ted knows it?" he asked me again and I scoffed.

"That I don't know, probably they teach it at the Auror's Academy since it's pretty powerful"

"Well how do you know it?" I tensed up on my chair, I didn't think that James is extremely nosy.

"I read some books"

"You can't possibly learn this badass ancient magic just by reading, how did you learned it?" he pressured, and I just glared at him uncomfortable with sharing that information with him. We were not friends and I was enduring this questioning only because I know I will get in trouble with my father if McGonagall knows.

"I dreamed about it" I muttered avoiding eye contact.


"That, I started having this dream like a year ago or so and there was this lake and this fairylike woman who taught me, and somehow a few books appeared on my room" He wasn't going to believe me.

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