01: Something is out there

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James S

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James S. Potter

I really knew that I shouldn't be overhearing my father's conversation with Ted on his office. But the last few weeks of summer break he has been acting weird, always stuck at the Ministry or in his office here at home. At first, I thought that he might been cheating on Mom. But that is just simply stupid and nonsense.

He quickly became aware of my shenanigans and confronted me about it, so I had to stop following him. My siblings were completely oblivious on what is going on here, but something was happening, and my dad is involved. I mean yes, he works as head of the Aurors' department. He should be involved, but he is simply acting out of character and that is not normal.

"I'm telling you Ted, this is not a mission I feel comfortable giving you" my dad spoke and I rolled my eyes, since Ted was now an Auror he had access to my father's secrets apparently.

"Well I understand, but I am asking for it and you promised not to give me any special treatment" Ted said, and I nodded agreeing. I clearly remember when my friend told my Dad he was enrolling to be an Auror, he gave this full speech about how it is dangerous and how he will not be getting any advantages.

I was too caught up on my thoughts that I didn't sense the door opening revealing the blue haired boy who dedicated me a smirk "What are you up to?" he asked suspiciously and I just shrugged my shoulders trying to dismiss it.

"Hey so...do you wanna maybe hang out?" I asked scratching my neck and Ted just nodded before walking up to the room that used to be his here. We grew up together and even though he is older by two years we became close and he is not just family to me, he is my best friend. "So how is Vic?" I question him while I seated on a chair that was here.

Probably I should not be asking about my cousin considering how much trouble I caused to the couple when they were starting to date, like outing them and that sort of stuff.

"She is great, but why don't you already ask what you want to know" he answered me while throwing me one of the pillows on his bed.

"What they say on the daily prophet is true? Are people really going missing?" I asked this time without stuttering. Let me tell you that all it took was his expression to know it was.

The rumors and news that were going around were gruesome. Explicit even, and I can't imagine what those families are going through. There was no logical explanation, no correlation between one person or the other. It simply seems like random attacks that no one could prevent.

"I am afraid is true, you know it is somewhat exaggerated but it is indeed happening" He explained, No wonder my parents restricted me and my siblings to go out without telling them where and when we were going

"And what mission are you so determined to get?" I ask away since the man is already so chatty and willing to give me information. He just blankly stares at me for a moment to later smile to the side.

"That is actually illegal for me to share, you know oat and all that" he shrugged, and I groaned in frustration. Why couldn't they be straight up with me? I was almost 17 and clearly, I am not a kid anymore. "Did you already pack your trunk?" He changed subjects as if our conversation was no longer relevant.

"I did, and it is really annoying what you are doing" I scolded him, we were best friends for fuck sake and ever since he graduated Hogwarts, and the Auror thing and life in general he started to feel like a stranger.

"Come on, you know is nothing against you or that I don't want to tell you it is that I literally can't without losing my job" he excused himself and I simply rolled my eyes.

"I could help, I'm not an idiot I know stuff and both of you are shutting me off" I complained calmly trying to make my point obvious to him and the asshole just started laughing.

"Are you actually jealous of your Dad Potter? we need to get you a girlfriend or something to do ASAP" he snarked at me and somehow, we started wrestling just as kids.

"Hey cavemen, mom said diner is ready" we both heard Lily say while she rolled her eyes and we headed directly to the table.

"Did my son tortured you for information?" my dad asked Ted and I laughed sarcastically.

" He actually did, and now I'm seriously thinking on telling Vic to set him up with someone so that he is off my neck" I scoffed hearing that, I didn't need my cousin to set me up with anyone. If I didn't have a girlfriend was because I didn't wan to, not because I couldn't.

"Oh no, James is busy being in love with Cassie" Albus added and I rolled my eyes even more.

"Who?" I question him with a poker face on but I knew exactly who he was talking about " Oh right, your boyfriend's sister, yeah I'm not that into blondes" I added diminishing his statement.

"Speaking of, did you send the Malfoys an owl Albus?" mom asked and I shoot a confused glare at her. Why would she ask that?

"Yeah, I did, Mr. Malfoy sends his regards" my brother answered her, and my father simply nodded, so great more secrets that my family is keeping from me, I thought to myself.

Dinner continued without surprises and we later were saying goodbye to Ted who stepped on the Floo. This night was my turn to help mom with the dishes so that was what I was calmly doing until my father showed up to the kitchen taking a seat nearby.

"So I wanted to talk to you James" He started and I just gave him a side look while I was still doing the dishes, by hand of course, because of the stupid laws that kept me from doing magic even if I was just three days away from being 17 " You need to stop pestering around that topic, You are going to Hogwarts soon and I really don't want you giving McGonagall trouble"

"Sure" I said avoiding a real compromise considering that I wouldn't let this go as simple as that. I wanted to know what was happening.

"Then, I am not allowing Lily off grounds, she is still too young and I truly want to trust that both you and Albus are going to be mindful if you go to Hogsmade" he continued with this weird pep talk.

"Yes Dad we will be careful and we will make sure Lily doesn't leave her tower" I joked, it was kind of funny to me knowing all this histories about my father doing reckless and dangerous things when he was younger and now the man worries too much, I don't even think he is able to handle happy moments because he is always thinking the world is after us.

"Please look out for your siblings, I'm not really sure if I will be able to catch you guys on the platform tomorrow, that is why we are having this conversation right now" he then said and I lifted both my eyebrows he never misses our departure day, this thing going around must be pretty serious.

"I promise we will be careful Old man" I assured him that led to him hugging me, hug that I rather quickly reciprocated.

This last conversation left me with way more questions, what could be so fucked up that my Dad was probably missing us leaving? Things are escalating faster than I ever imagined possible.


So that was the first chapter, we are clearly starting slow because who doesn't love a slow burn story ;)

 thank you all for reading and I'll love your feedback -XOXO, Kath

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