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"He was shot!? What- How?"

"Wrong place, wrong time kind of thing I guess," Morgan replied. You could hear the strain in his voice, "The guy was caught, don't worry."

"Good. Umm, how bad is it?"

"He just got out of surgery and is on pretty heavy meds. The doctor said he'll be fine, but I'm coming to get you guys. I want everyone here when he wakes up."

You heard his car start through the phone and quickly swiped out to send him your location.

"I just sent you our location. I'll grab the girls and meet you outside of the bar. Thanks Morgan."

"Yeah, see you guys soon."

Walking back into the club you see your three friends and the mystery man from earlier. You had forgotten about Jon. Whatever, he's irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Especially when Spencer had just been shot.

"Hey guys, umm we have to go..." you say trying to be as ominous as possible. Jon doesn't need to know about Spencer. He'd get weird, you could just tell.

"What?" Emily whined.

"Why??" Penelope added on.

"Work emergency," you shrugged at Jon.

"A case? God please no" Penelope gasped.

"No not a case. Umm Morgan is on his way to come pick us up."

"Morgan? On my way, sugar."

You laughed as Penelope pulled the other two girls towards the door.

"Nice to meet you, Jon."

"You too," he said with a nod and walked off.


Morgan arrived at the club 15 minutes later and filled Emily, JJ, and Penelope in on the way to the hospital. They were all so drunk you weren't sure they understood what was actually happening, but Penelope was crying so there was that.

You felt like you were going to throw up. Spencer had been fucking shot.

Your mind was going a million miles per minute when you finally pulled up to the hospital. Morgan volunteered to deal with the drunk trio in the back seat and sent you up to Spencer's room.

Once you got to the floor, you found Hotch sitting outside.

"He just woke up. He's been asking for you."


"Well, not you specifically, I guess."

You gave him a puzzled look.

"He's been asking for his girlfriend."

"Hotch- we all know that's not me-"

"He hasn't been seeing anyone, Y/N. It's you."

You gulped and nodded. It had to be the meds. It had to be.

You slowly walked towards the door and awkwardly knocked.

"Hotch, umm, said you were looking for someone?"

"Y/N?" Spencer said as he looked up at you.

You nod and glance back towards Hotch in the hallway, "I can leave if you want, umm, Hotch just said he thought you wanted to see me, I guess? He's probably wrong, umm, it's totally fine, I'll just-"

"You're my girlfriend, why would I want you to leave?"

"Spence, I'm not- we're not-"

"Not what?"

just friends (s. reid)Where stories live. Discover now