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HI GUYS! This chapter has so much to unpack lmao so enjoy :)) Also thanks for 2k reads!! Love you all <33


The car ride to the precinct was quick and quiet. You decided to drive since Spencer had driven you back to his house that fateful night that started this all.

Basically, you owed him.

You focused on the road, answering Spencer's questions every once and awhile, but making sure not to elaborate.

It's not that you didn't want to talk to him, you enjoyed spending last night comforting him and your encounter this morning was great, but you just needed some time to process everything.

The case was weighing on you, Spencer's mental state was weighing on you. It was all just a little too much and if you didn't give it some time to process, you knew you would break down.

You arrived at the precinct and were greeted by your fellow agents. Emily and Morgan were on the phone with Garcia, probably following some new lead, JJ was talking with someone from a journal maybe? You weren't 100% sure who she was talking to, but he had a pen and paper and seemed to be quoting her word for word. Hotch walked in behind you guys holding coffee for everyone.

"Coffee's here," Hotch said as he placed the drink carrier on the table.

"Thank god! I was dying," Emily exclaimed, basically jumping out of her hair and running towards her cup.

"Okay, Em, maybe take a breather before gulping that whole thing down," JJ scolded her.

"Oh, shut up, jayge, I need my coffee. You know that."

"That I do. I think we all know that one."

You walk over to the tray of cups and grab the two labeled "Y/N" and "Spencer."

"Here you go, one cup of sugar with a teaspoon of coffee."

"Very funny" Reid smirks as he takes the coffee from you.

"Okay guys," Morgan starts, "let's get this profile ready."


6 hours later you had a preliminary profile. It wasn't the greatest, but you needed to get as much out as soon as possible.

"Our unsub is a male in his mid to late 30's," Hotch starts.

"He was most likely bullied by his peers as a child and abused by his parents at home," Rossi continued.

The team delivered the rest of the profile flawlessly and was onto looking for a solid suspect. Garcia had provided 3 men who fit the profile and could be possible leads.

Hotch sent Reid and Emily to the first house, you and Morgan to the second, and Rossi accompanied Hotch and JJ to the third.

Morgan parked a few houses away from the house you're actually supposed to be checking. You don't want to freak the unsub out by pulling up in your large black SUV.

As you walk up to the front of the house, you hear a small "help!" coming from around back. Morgan points to you, signalling you to jump the fence and go straight to the back. Morgan wastes no time in kicking down the door and clearing the house.

In the back, you see the unsub dragging a screaming and kicking kid through the yard.


He sees your gun pointed at him and drops the kid to the ground, fleeing as fast as possible.

"Morgan! The kid!" You yell and take off after the unsub.

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