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You wake up to the feeling of warmth coming from all around you. As you open your eyes and start to take in your whereabouts, you realized that over night the pillow wall had been destroyed and here you were waking up in Spencer Reid's arms.

Holy shit.

You laid there in disbelief. How could this have happened? Well, you knew how this happened. You were the one who climbed into his bed at 3am last night. Right as you were about to slip out of his arms, you heard Spencer start to stir.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

You decided the only logical thing to do would be to pretend to be asleep and let Spencer figure it out. You really did always run from your problems, and handing this one off to Spencer to deal with felt no different than other solutions.

"Shit" you heard Spencer utter quietly before he pulled his arms away from you slowly.

You stayed there, laying completely still. As long as Spencer thought you were asleep you could pretend like this interaction never happened.

When he finally climbed out of the bed, muttering to himself, you noticed how cold and empty you felt. You missed his touch. You missed Spencer Reid.

After 10 minutes had passed, you decided that it would be a good time to head out into the kitchen. You could smell coffee brewing and that was just what you needed right now: to drown your problems in coffee.

"Sleep well?" Spencer asked when he saw you take a seat.

"Huh?" You flinched, "yeah, sorry, yeah I did."

Spencer walks towards you, standing on the opposite side of the counter. You gulp and look up at him. You forgot how tall he was.

"You okay? You seem a little jumpy..."

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, Spence, I guess. Not all of us know every answer to every question."

Spencer shot you a confused look. You didn't mean to snap at him. Fuck. He really messed up your day.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's okay, I get it. You're tired," he winked at you, "I guess."

You smiled. That was the Spencer you loved. The one who would joke around with you and make fun.

"Thanks for letting me crash here last night."

"Of course, Y/N."

"Really, Spence. It meant a lot."

He smiled and nodded to accept your gratitude. You took a sip of your coffee and looked back up to see him pouring way too much sugar into his own cup. You were finally able to actually look at him this morning and damn did he look good. He had thrown on a t-shirt since last night, but the grey sweatpants he had on were from last night. His hair was tousled around and you assumed he hadn't run a brush through it yet today.


You were shot back into reality. "What?"

"Seems like someone liked the view," Spence said to himself under his breath, clearly not intending for you to hear.

Your face went blank. Did Spencer Reid just flirt with you?

Spencer seemed to notice that you heard him so he rushed into the next topic of discussion: your car.

"Damn, I forgot about her for a second there." you whined.


"Yes, her. Her name is Lily and I love her dearly."

"Okay then," he laughed to himself, "When do you want to leave to go to the BAU and call Triple A?"

"Umm I'm not sure... would it be okay if I took a quick shower here and then we could leave?"

"Works for me."

"Perfect," you smiled as you walked back off towards the bathroom. As you walked, you could feel a pair of eyes stuck on you.

"Dr. Reid," you muttered to yourself, "you are going to be the end of me."

You walked into the bathroom, forgetting to lock the door behind you, and turned on the shower. Taking your time to wash your hair and your body, you let the hot water crash all over your body.

You turned the water off and reached for a towel. Shit. Not only did you not grab one, you had no idea where the towels were in this house.

Not knowing what other options you had, you screamed for Spencer.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" you heard coming from down the hall.

Without giving you a chance to reply, Reid burst into the bathroom and stood in front of you while you were dripping wet, cold, and naked. His eyes lingered on you for longer than they should have.

"Spencer, turn around," you told him, knowing he wouldn't do it on his own.

"Sorry," he said as he turned around, "it's not every day you see a pretty girl naked in your bathroom.

There it was again. He called you pretty.

"Yeah, well friends shouldn't exactly see eachother naked, Reid," you said awkwardly.

"Huh? Oh, friends," he said, his back still to you.

You stood there in the silence for a minute before requesting that towel you needed. Spencer grabbed you one from the cupboard under the sink and placed it on the counter.

"I'd hand it to you, but I don't want to look and make you uncomfortable."


Spencer leaves the room, closing the door behind him. You huddled up in the towel, warming your body.

"Fuck," you sighed.

You put your clothes back on and brushed through your hair.

"Yeah, well friends shouldn't exactly see eachother naked, Reid,"


Just Friends.

You replayed the conversation in your head over and over again. You just ruined your only chance with Spencer Reid. Ugh.

You walked out to see Spencer touching up his hair in his bedroom mirror. He smiled at you and you smiled back. At least he was still looking at you.

"You ready to go?" he questioned.

"Yeah I'm ready," you said with a smile, walking with him.

You both got to the door at the same time and awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do next.

"Thanks for letting me crash here last night I-"

All of a sudden you were gently pushed up against the door, Spencer's body right up next to yours, your faces practically touching.

"Don't go," Spencer whispered.

"Spence, I- we can't."

"Why not?"

"We're coworkers, Spencer, we're friends," you replied, not breaking eye contact. Your breathing got heavier and faster and your hands found themselves crawling up his torso.

"Seems like you want to be more than friends," he said leaning in towards you even more. You gulp and lean in towards him at the same time.

Just as you thought he was going to kiss you, you felt the door give way behind your back. Spencer pulled away from you and you looked up at him confused.

"But friends don't kiss, right?" he said with a smirk as he walked out the door leaving you in the doorway.

You caught your breath and started walking out to his car.

That bitch.

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