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You walk through the glass doors into the bullpen, glancing at different agents on each side of you. As you walk up the stairs to the Unit Chief's office, agents give you quick smiles and glances. You don't look like an outsider, you've already worked for the FBI for 3 years now, but you definitely feel like one. As much as you know about the agents in the room, they know very little about you.

"Agent Hotchner?" you say as you knock on his office door. No reply. "Hotch?" you push the door open to reveal a bearded man deeply interested in a file sitting on his desk, the door falling closed behind you, "Earth to Hotchner..."

He looks up at you, back down at his watch, and back up at you again.

"Agent Y/L/N, sorry I lost track of time," Hotch says as he closes the case file.

"It's okay, seems like I've got your attention now," you give him a small smile.

You shift the box you've been carrying from one hip to another. Clearly it's heavy and you've been holding it since you walked into the building this morning. "Is there a place I could put this down?"

"Let me walk you down to your desk and have you meet the team again. It's been a while since we worked with the International Affairs Team," Hotch says as he moves to open the door. "How are they doing by the way?"

"They're great! Simmons wishes he could've been here to send me off and see you guys one more time though. They hate that I'm transferring, but with my mom's health declining I want to be home in Virginia rather than always traveling," you added a shrug before placing your stuff down on the desk that was now in front of you.

"Their loss is our gain," says an older Italian gentleman walking towards you and Hotchner. "Y/N! Welcome to the team," he says pulling you in for a hug.

"Agent Rossi! It's been forever."

"He is right! Way, way too long, my dear!"

You turn around rapidly. You'd recognize that voice anywhere. "Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia. Oh how I've missed you!" You run over to Garcia hugging her as well. Seems like this team is full of huggers.

The rest of the team files in and you reconnect with Emily and Morgan. You've missed them. The two teams only worked together ever so often and as much as you loved the International Affairs gang, the BAU always felt like home. You were glad to finally be working full time here.

"I see your desk is across from the boy genius. Don't get too attached to him, you are all mine." Morgan says with a wink.

Garcia gasps and hits him with the fluffy pink ball at the tip of her pen. "No flirting chocolate thunder! You are all mine."

You let out a small giggle. "Speaking of the boy wonder, where is the famous Dr. Reid? Heard he just published yet another paper?"

Right as you finish speaking, Reid walked through the same glass doors you had walked through less than 15 minutes ago.

"Sorry I'm late," Reid says not even realizing you were in the room, "I wish I had a better excuse than saying I got caught up in a book, but I don't."

"I never would've thought someone who can read 20,000 words per minute would be late because they were reading" you say with a bit of sass. You and Reid's relationship had always been like this, you competed in a good way. You complement each other.

"Rereading actually," He leans down to empty the contents of his book bag onto his desk, "I just got sucked into this one chapter... wait. Y/N?" He looks up at you, the shock slowly spreading all over his face.

"Surprise!" You say with a smile. Reid had always been your favorite person to work with on cases. His little quirks made it so you could hang around him for hours. The fact that he was nice to look at helped, too.

You go in for a hug before remembering that Dr. Reid doesn't exactly love physical touch. You step back and wave at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked after laughing at your awkward body movements.

"Does this team not tell you anything?" You roll your eyes, "I transferred from Matt's unit. I'm all yours now.".

"Sorry to ruin the party guys, but we have a case." a familiar face with blonde hair says as she pops in quickly say hello and usher the team to the round table.

"You ready kiddo?" Rossi says as he makes his way past you.

You smile and nod letting the team go in front of you.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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