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OOPS! lol guys it's been over a week since my last update. I'm so sorry! Life has just caught up to me. Good news though! The pic is officially all planned out so I know how we're gonna end. It looks like we're a little under half way through with this chapter. Happy Thanksgiving guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Also! If you're here from TikTok the POV's are about to be incorporated really soon ;) Now go read this cute lil chapter. 


Because Spencer and you were the last members of the team to board that morning, only two seats were available, and they were on opposite ends of the jet. Spencer went and sat next to Morgan and Emily, leaving you to sit by Rossi.

You were a little disappointed. Not that you didn't want to sit by Rossi, he had always been there for you and you enjoyed talking with him, honestly he was more of a father to you than your own father was, but you were hoping to sit by Spencer.

"Coming to join me, bella?" he smiled, adding his usual italian word just to remind everyone of his heritage, typical Rossi.

"You know it old man," you replied.

He pretended to be hurt as you went and sat down by him. He shook his head and started laughing causing you to giggle with him.

30 minutes into the flight, everyone, including you, had dozed off except Spencer. He got up out of his seat and came over to see you, waking you up with a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"Shh, shh, it's okay everyone is sleeping. I just missed you," he whispered into your hair as you started to stir.

You mumbled something back to him as he ran his hand through your hair. God, you loved his touch. It made you feel whole, it completed you.

"Okay, I gotta go to the bathroom, baby," he said, trying to walk away.

You grabbed his wrist in protest and he laughed a little louder than he probably should have.

"Someone doesn't want me to leave. Wanna join the mile-high club?"

You slapped his wrist, causing him to pull his hands away from yours and through them up to proclaim his innocence. Bullshit.

"I was joking," he giggled as he leaned down to kiss you, "Come to my place tonight. Say your car broke down again."

"Asking me out in front of the team, Dr. Reid? When did you get so confident in front of them?"

"When they fell asleep."

You rolled your eyes and smiled as you pushed him away to go use the bathroom.

"Is that a yes?"

"Fine," you grumbled, "see you later."

Spencer smiled and walked into the bathroom. He really was great and all, but now that you were up there was no way you were falling back asleep. Deciding to read, you reached down to grab your book out of your bag.

When you popped your head back up you saw Rossi's eyes wide open, staring at you.

"You want to explain all that?" he questioned.


"All that?" you said, trying to play dumb.

"Don't give me that, y/n. I was awake the entire time."

Of course he was. Why wouldn't he be. Just your fucking luck.

You scanned the jet looking for an excuse, but you knew you couldn't lie to the guy who literally wrote the book on profiling.

"Plus," he added, "I heard you guys going at it last night. My room was right next to you guys."

Your mouth dropped open as you sat there in disbelief.

"I-" you tried to speak, but honestly you didn't even know where to start, "are you gonna report us to Hotch?"

"Hotch? God no," he laughed and your walls started to come down, allowing you to take a deep breath, "I was involved Strauss! Now I may be old, but I'm no hypocrite. I just want to know what's going on with my team."

You shook your head and laughed. "You scared me there for a second, Rossi."

"How long have you two been going at it?"

"You remember how my car broke down my first day here? He gave me a ride home."

"Sounds about right."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Just as the final word came out of your mouth, Spencer walked out of the bathroom.

"What's what supposed to mean?" he asked, shooting you a confused look.

"Pasta man knows about us."

"Pasta man?" Rossi chuckled.

"You said you didn't prefer old," you shot back.

You looked back up at Spencer and the look on his face was pure gold. His mouth had dropped wide open and his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

"Oh calm down, Doctor," you said, pulling him down next to you, "Rossi was with Strauss for a while, he's sworn to secrecy."

"I knew he was with Strauss, " he said to you and then shifted his focus to Rossi, "You promise you won't tell?"

"I would never rat out young love." Rossi smiled.

Spencer gave him a small smile as a sign of gratitude and then kissed the crown of your head.

"Ahh! But watch the PDA please. I heard enough last night."

Spencer's hand shot up to his mouth and you laughed.

"Oh yeah," you said shoving him away from you, "that happened, too. Go sit down before anyone else wakes up."

Spencer walked away shaking his head. You laughed to yourself and then turned to Rossi one last time.

"Thank you," you said sincerely.

"Of course," he replied, "I figured the kid was involved with someone, I just would've never guessed it was someone on the team. He's been so happy lately. He hasn't been that happy in a long time. He's lucky to have you as his girlfriend."

WOAH. Slow down Rossi.

"I'm not his girlfriend," you backpedaled, "We're just friends hanging out. No labels."

"Are you sure? Friends don't look at each other like that," he gestured slightly to Reid.

Turning your head to see Spencer, you saw him watching your conversation with a look of adoration on his face. You smiled at him when you made eye contact and he smiled back.

"Maybe I want to be more than friends, MAYBE" you huffed after turning back to Rossi, "But we work together, it's not practical."

"Did you hear anything I said earlier? I was sleeping with the BAU Section Chief, if I can make that work, you two can make this work."

You looked down at your hands and took a minute to think. Was he right? Could you really make this work? Could Spencer really be your boyfriend?

You contemplated the concept for a moment longer before looking back up at Rossi and smiling. "I guess you're right on that one," you finally replied.

"I'm always right," Rossi declared, "Right when it comes to love, right when it comes to profiles..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there on that one," you interrupted, "I was the one who got the profile right on this last case,"

"How many cases have you worked with us? Maybe 2? 3?" He reminded you.

"Hey! I worked with you guys while I was still on Matt's team!" you laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Get some sleep now, kid, we've still got a few hours before we're home."

"Thanks, Rossi." you said before settling back into your seat.

"For what?"

You closed your eyes, "For everything."

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