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Tehe heyyyyy! New chapter yay! I didn't reread this so hopefully it's all good, I've had this written for like a week so I have no excuse for not editing but I'm just too excited about writing the next few chapters. 

I'm thinking the upload schedule will be every Tuesday and then one other chapter sometime during the week in case anyone was wondering! Enjoy guys!


30 minutes later you were walking into the BAU with Spencer.

"Why'd you two come together?" Morgan questioned when he saw you walk in.

"It was just easier to carpool," You replied.

"Doesn't pretty boy live on the other side of the city from you?"

Of course they'd see through that. You really hated working with a bunch of profilers sometimes.

"I was out for the night over by Reid's place. It just worked out."

"Out? You were out without a car?"

"Yes, Derek. It's called Uber."

Just as Morgan was about to question you more, JJ popped her head out to yell at you guys to get into the roundtable room. Thank god.

You found out two children had been found tortured and murdered and another one had just been taken.

You hated the cases that involved kids. Time is always of the essence with these cases and knowing that made you so anxious.

A nervous tic of yours had always been to play with your hair, so that you did. You reached up, pulling your hair away from your neck and pulling it back into a ponytail.

"HOLY SHIT, Y/N, did you get attacked by a vampire or something?" Emily gasped.

You looked at Emily with a confused expression for half a second before realizing what she was referencing.

The Hickies.


"I knew you weren't just out!" Derek exclaimed.

"Girl, what -or who- were you doing?" Garcia laughed out.

"I was on a date, okay?" you sigh in defeat.

"With pretty boy? Is that why you two showed up together?"

"Jesus, Morgan. Why would I date a coworker? That's just unprofessional."

Reid smirked causing you to kick him under the table.

"I was out on a date with someone else. I had ubered there because we were at a bar. Reid called me saying that we had a case. I told him I didn't have a car and he offered to pick me up. There, case closed. Are you happy now?"

"Fair," Morgan said leaning back in his chair.

"Glad you're at least getting some," Garcia quipped.

"Hey!" Emily said, "Who said I wasn't getting some? Remember you're talking to the girl who does sin to win weekends."

Emily looks at Hotch out of the corner of her eye as his eyes flash with emotion. You would've missed it if you hadn't been looking right at her. She was never good with keeping her microexpressions quiet, but she couldn't be fucking Hotch. Could she?

"Are we done talking about our sex lives?" Reid piped up.

"Yes," Hotch said, clearing his throat, his face oddly flushed, "We don't have time to waste in a child abduction case. Wheels up in 15."


The team filled onto the jet and everyone sat down in their common spots. Rossi was to your right on the couch and Spencer was across from you in a chair. Everyone else was scattered around the jet.

About an hour into the flight, Morgan and Emily found their way over to you right as you were about to try and get some sleep.

"What's the problem baby girl?" Derek asked as he sat down.

"Problem?" you questioned.

"You look upset," Emily remarked.

"Em, I'm fine."

"Are you upset your date got cut short?"

You quickly glanced over at Reid who was no longer focusing intensely on his book. You could see him trying to hold back a smirk as Emily and Derek questioned you. Of course he was enjoying this.

"Yes," you say, making direct eye contact with Morgan, "I was about to get laid, why wouldn't I be upset?"

"Were you really that into him?" Emily questioned.

"I mean, I was into his dick. Kind of a hump and dump situation if you know what I mean."

Emily and Derek laughed at this. While they were distracted, you looked at Reid and shrugged, scanning him with your eyes.

Reid picked up his phone and typed something into it. You felt yours buzz in your pocket, but didn't want to give anything away by texting him back quickly. You were surrounded by profilers after all.

After a while, Morgan and Em finally left you alone and you were able to look at your phone.

"Hump and dump?" Spencer had texted you.

"Just not too interested in this mystery man I guess."

"That's not what it seemed like earlier when I had you moaning my name."

Your face went red.

"You've got to stop texting me like this in front of the team," you text back, getting your face back under control, "we're surrounded by profilers, Spence."

"You're the one who can't keep your microexpressions under control."

"You're the one who keeps causing the microexpressions."

"Sounds like a you problem, pretty girl. I do like seeing you flustered though. Gets me excited for what I'll be seeing later."

"Friends don't text like this Dr. Reid. So. Stop. Texting. Me."

"Who said you were in charge?"


"I'll talk to you later, princess."

And with that Spencer turned his phone off and placed it face down on the table. Just in time, too, because Hotch called the team over to discuss the case before landing.

You thought you had Spencer wrapped around your finger, but it seemed he had you wrapped around his. And boy, were you excited to see where this went.

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