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2 months later.

You laid in your bed thinking back to the last day you and Spencer were together. The day JJ was kidnapped, the day you and Spencer had your big fight. That day lived on a constant loop in your head.

You started to remember the look on Spencer's face after the team had found JJ 3 days after your fight. The sheer relief that was in his eyes almost broke you. You wanted to hug him and rejoice with him, but you couldn't.

Back at work in the weeks following, he seemed okay. He was a little rash every once and a while but nothing out of the ordinary for someone who had just had their best friend kidnapped. You would catch yourself staring at him or thinking about him and try to change the topic, but your mind wouldn't let you. You missed Spencer Reid. Even if it was just as friends.

All of a sudden, a loud knock on your door snapped you out of your memories.

"Y/N!" you heard from outside.

With a groan you got up, flattened your hair, took one final look at yourself in the mirror, and went to open the door.

Standing before you was Emily, Penelope, and JJ. They were all dressed up and ready to go out for a night full of drinks and dancing.

You smiled trying to push any thought of Spencer out of our mind. You were going to have a good night damnit. You decided your first good night in 2 months would be tonight. If you couldn't get Spencer out of your mind sober, hopefully you could get him out of your mind while drunk off your ass.


Right away, Penelope ordered everyone shots and you all downed them and headed out to the dance floor.

After dancing for a few songs, you managed to work your way back to the bar and order yourself another drink. Or a few more drinks.

You just couldn't stop thinking about that last day with Spencer. The fight replayed through your head over and over again.

"You're not my girlfriend."

Those four words stung like poison.


You never thought of the two of you as a real couple, but the word had just slipped out..


You couldn't help but wonder what could've happened if you had just kept your mouth shut. Let Spencer sulk.

"A moscow mule?"

"Huh?" you jumped as the bartender pushed a drink towards you.

You eyed him up and down before shaking your head, "I didn't order this."

"I know," he replied looking over towards the corner of the bar, "he did."

You raised your eyebrows and thought about denying the drink. You were here with your friends to get over your ex...? Your ex what? He wasn't your boyfriend. That had been made clear. Your ex lover? Yeah, no. The last guy you were fucking. That sounds good.

You looked over to the dance floor to see Emily and JJ laughing and dancing the night away while Penelope was grinding up against some man. The sight made you laugh. They were all having fun. Why couldn't you?

Fuck it.

You picked up the drink and walked over to the mysterious man in the corner of the bar.

Here goes nothing.

"Hey," you smiled, "A little birdie told me this was from you?"

He giggled a little and smiled.

He wasn't bad looking at all. In all honesty, he was very attractive. His smile sparkled and his eyes were a dark mysterious brown.

You would be all over him if it wasn't for Spencer's image in the back of your mind holding you back.

"Wanna sit?" He asked as he pulled out the chair next to him.

"Only if you keep buying me drinks," you flirted as you placed a hand on his knee.

He laughed, "Anything for a girl as pretty as you."

"Good," you said turning to the bartender once more, "I don't want to remember any of this in the morning."

"Hopefully you'll at least remember me," he said with a fake pout.

"You'll just have to be worth my time then," you smirked.


The two of you talked for a while until Emily, JJ, and Penelope found their way over to you guys.

"Who's this?!" Penelope slurred.

She was drunk. Very Drunk.

"Clearly a boy Y/N is interested in." JJ said back.

She wasn't slurring her speech as much, but you could tell she was drunk, too. And you could smell the alcohol on Emily's breath.

Looks like you guys were taking an Uber back home.

"Are you drunk?" Emily asked.

"Not as drunk as I'd like to be," you laughed.

To tell the truth, you had gotten so lost in conversation with mysterious bar guy, that you had forgotten about the drink in your hand.

He could carry a conversation, he was charming, he was handsome.

You looked over at him and remembered he didn't know who these three drunk women were.

"Oh! These are my friends. We all work together."

He reached out his hand in an effort to shake theirs, but they were too drunk to shake his back.

"What's your name?" Penelope asked.


"Well it's nice to meet you, Jon. Y/N had her heart broken a few months ago, she needs some good sex."

You blushed and laughed. Yes, that's where you wanted tonight to go, but it felt weird saying it out loud.

Luckily he laughed it off and continued to talk with the four of you.

That was until your phone rang.

"I'm gonna take this," you said pointing to the door.

He nodded and you stepped out of the club through the side door, letting the cold air hit your face you took a deep breath and finally checked who was calling you.

2 missed calls: Derek Morgan.


You called him back and held the phone up to your ear.

"Y/N? Where are you? Why didn't you answer right away?"

He sounded oddly frantic.

"Morgan? The girls and I went out for a girls night. We're at a club. Why do you sound like that?"

"Listen, Y/N, I need you to go back inside and get them for me."

"They're a little drunk so I don't know how well that will go over. Derek what's going on? You're scaring me..."

"They're drunk? Are you drunk? You know what, nevermind. I'm coming to pick you guys up. Text me your location."

"Derek, what's going on?"

"It's Spencer, he was shot."


AHHH!! I'm so sorry to end off on another cliffhanger (lol no I'm not) and I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. Fingers crossed I'm able and willing to write a TON these next few weeks.  Spencie and Y/N have a ton coming their way so stay tuned :)

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. (ALSO thanks for 6K reads!! That's so exciting!!)

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