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One week later you were back on the tarmac as the jet touched down in Quantico. You solved the case in record time, taking only one week to deliver a profile, catch the unsub, and save the victim. The rest of the team was asleep on the jet, but you just couldn't sleep. You watched as the plane descended and touched down. Not wanting to be the one to wake the entire team, you poked Spencer in the ribs in order to wake him up. You had sat next to each other on the jet ride back after becoming even closer working together on this last case.

"Spencer," you whispered after poking him in the ribs again after it didn't work the first time. He jumped a little and rubbed his eyes before looking at you.

"What was that for?" he said groggily.

"We're home. I just don't feel comfortable waking the rest of the team up and wanted you to do it."

"Y/N, you've known us all for three years, you're capable of waking us up," Spencer yawned as he talked, soliciting a yawn out of you.

You had read somewhere that yawning when someone else yawned showed you cared for them, weird coincidence you thought about this when talking to Spencer... you brushed it off. You didn't have feelings for your coworker. It doesn't work like that.

"Spence, please. I don't want to," you whine, letting a little bit of vulnerability show in your voice involuntarily.

"Fine, but only because you have a pretty face," Spencer said as he shimmed out of the seat and went to wake up the team.

Only because you have a pretty face. Spencer Reid just called you pretty.


2am. It was 2am when you finally walked to your car. The jet had landed at midnight and Hotch wanted you all to go home, get some sleep, and do your paperwork on Monday, but you worked best sleep deprived. Plus, leaving stuff to be done over the weekend made you anxious. You sat down and powered through your reports finishing them in 2 hours. The rest of the team had left right when the plane touched, but Spencer stayed back and kept you company.

You walked out the doors of the FBI and into the parking lot with Spencer as you walked over to your car.

"This one's mine," you said as you approached your small car. It was electric. You hated the idea of gas and fossil fuels. You wanted to save the environment as much as you could. You didn't know how much time the earth had left, but you wanted it to be as beautiful as it could be for as long as possible. You waved goodbye and reached into your go-bag for your car keys. They weren't there. Sure enough, you looked inside your car and sitting on the driver's seat were your car keys. Fuck.

"You okay?"

You turned around at 100mph. Spencer was right in front of you know, your faces practically touching. After staring at him for what felt like hours you heard his voice again.



"Your car? You stood here for approximately 59 seconds rummaging through your purse. Don't know where your keys are?"

"Well I know where they are," you say pointing to your window, "I just can't get to them and it's 2 in the morning so Triple A is a no go."

"I can take you home," Spencer says without missing a beat.

"No, Spence it's fine. Don't you live on the other side of town from me anyways? Don't worry about me, I'll take an Uber."

"Not at 2am."

You roll your eyes. Why is he being so protective? You've never seen Spencer act like this.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. You're not taking an Uber." His tone had become stern. He spoke to you like you were a child.

"Okay Dad, what do you want me to do then?"

Spencer's eyes flashed with emotion at the word dad. You would've missed it if you didn't know him so well. What did it mean though? Why was he being so weird?

"I said I'd take you home and I meant it. My car's over there."

You walk with him to his car in silence and get into the passenger seat.

"Thank you," you say, flashing him a look of gratitude as you dig through your bag, "I do have my apartment keys so I'll be able to get into my house at least- Shit. I don't have my house keys."

Spencer looks at you concerned.

"I can just sleep at my moms house tonight, it's probably closer to yours anyways."

"Your mom's asleep."

"So is the entire city, Spencer. Your point?"

"How are you going to get into her house?"

"With my key- I don't have keys."

"Sleep at my house tonight."

You looked at Spencer in disbelief. "Your house?"

"It'll be easier this way to get you to work in the morning. I'll just bring you. You can call Triple A tomorrow and get your car fixed that way, too."

"I don't want to impose," you say cautiously.

"On who? It's just me and my books. It'll be fine, I'll take the couch."

Sleeping at Spencer's house? You couldn't sleep at Spencer's house. Could you?

"I'll stay at your house on one condition: I take the couch. You're already being generous enough."

"You sure? I've got a big comfy bed calling your name if you want it." Spencer says as he starts the car and pulls out of the parking garage.

"I'm sure. Let's go Dr. Reid," you say playfully hitting his arm, "I have a couch calling my name."

Spencer laughs. A sleepover at Spencer Reid's house. What could go wrong?

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